I think more logs are needed here. From the logs that you did post, it 
seems like the connection was established but I don't see any details of 
the RPC itself. Your code doesn't show the RPC either.

On Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 5:21:39 PM UTC-8 kiranku...@gmail.com 

> GRPC Client is written in GoLang runs over Ubuntu VM 16.04. This is 
> running on a bare metal server.
> GRPC Client in GoLang 
> ======================
> var opts []grpc.DialOption 
> opts = append(opts, grpc.WithInsecure()) 
> opts = append(opts, grpc.WithBlock()) 
> serverAddr := serverIp + ":" + serverPort 
> conn, err := grpc.Dial(serverAddr, opts...) 
> if err != nil { 
>    common.Logger().Errorf("fail to dial: %v", err) 
>     return nil 
>  } 
> //defer conn.Close() 
>  client := xxx_pb.xxxClient(conn) 
> return client
> My GRPC Servers runs in an EC2 instance (AWS) 
> GRPC Server in Python 
> ====================
> def serve(): 
>        print("GRPC Server Starting") 
>        server = grpc.server(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10))    
>        xxx_grpc_pb2_grpc.add_xxxServicer_to_server( xxxFwServicer(), 
> server)       
>        server.add_insecure_port('[::]:50051') 
>        server.start() 
>        server.wait_for_termination()  
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>       serve() 
> The connection is successful between GRPC client/server. However, when the 
> client code does a GET using one of the predefined GRPC API, GRPC server 
> responds with the below error.
> *rpc error: code = Internal desc = stream terminated by RST_STREAM with 
> error code: NO_ERROR*
> When the same GRPC server is run on ubuntu VM on another bare metal server 
> instead of EC2 AWS instance, then I don't see this error. Everything works 
> fine.
> On AWS Front, I enabled the security groups and other permissions for port 
> 50051. I assume this is good enough as GRPC Client/Server connection is 
> established successfully. 
> GRPC Client and Server communicate over Public Network (Internet) here.
> From the process logs that I added, Server RPC API is not even getting 
> called. The log message present in the RPC API code on server side doesn't 
> even get printed.
> Enabled GRPC logs on the server and they are as below during Client GRPC 
> request. I can't make out much though.
> I1111 23:21:45.544276213   21932 timer_generic.cc:512]         .. 
> shard[19]->queue_deadline_cap --> 13015
> I1111 23:21:45.544278865   21932 timer_generic.cc:577]         .. 
> shard[19] popped 0
> I1111 23:21:45.544286851   21932 timer_generic.cc:632]         .. result 
> --> 1, shard[19]->min_deadline 12015 --> 13016, now=12015
> I1111 23:21:45.544290422   21932 timer_generic.cc:741]       TIMER CHECK 
> END: r=1; next=13012
> I1111 23:21:45.544297936   21932 timer_manager.cc:188]       sleep for a 
> 997 milliseconds
> I1111 23:21:45.552848998   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:1078]   RETURN_EVENT[0x196d9f5321d0]: QUEUE_TIMEOUT
> I1111 23:21:45.552879498   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:969]    grpc_completion_queue_next(cq=0x196d9f5321d0, 
> deadline=gpr_timespec { tv_sec: 1636672905, tv_nsec: 752877317, clock_type: 
> 1 }, reserved=(nil))
> I1111 23:21:45.754174520   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:1078]   RETURN_EVENT[0x196d9f5321d0]: QUEUE_TIMEOUT
> I1111 23:21:45.754204954   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:969]    grpc_completion_queue_next(cq=0x196d9f5321d0, 
> deadline=gpr_timespec { tv_sec: 1636672905, tv_nsec: 954198396, clock_type: 
> 1 }, reserved=(nil))
> I1111 23:21:45.955498820   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:1078]   RETURN_EVENT[0x196d9f5321d0]: QUEUE_TIMEOUT
> I1111 23:21:45.955651038   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:969]    grpc_completion_queue_next(cq=0x196d9f5321d0, 
> deadline=gpr_timespec { tv_sec: 1636672906, tv_nsec: 155648812, clock_type: 
> 1 }, reserved=(nil))
> I1111 23:21:46.156859185   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:1078]   RETURN_EVENT[0x196d9f5321d0]: QUEUE_TIMEOUT
> I1111 23:21:46.156955462   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:969]    grpc_completion_queue_next(cq=0x196d9f5321d0, 
> deadline=gpr_timespec { tv_sec: 1636672906, tv_nsec: 356953290, clock_type: 
> 1 }, reserved=(nil))
> I1111 23:21:46.358278383   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:1078]   RETURN_EVENT[0x196d9f5321d0]: QUEUE_TIMEOUT
> I1111 23:21:46.358295443   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:969]    grpc_completion_queue_next(cq=0x196d9f5321d0, 
> deadline=gpr_timespec { tv_sec: 1636672906, tv_nsec: 552873984, clock_type: 
> 1 }, reserved=(nil))
> I1111 23:21:46.541256973   21932 timer_manager.cc:204]       wait ended: 
> was_timed:1 kicked:0
> I1111 23:21:46.541274502   21932 timer_generic.cc:719]       TIMER CHECK 
> BEGIN: now=13012 next=9223372036854775807 tls_min=12015 glob_min=13012
> I1111 23:21:46.541279016   21932 timer_generic.cc:614]         .. 
> shard[31]->min_deadline = 13012
> I1111 23:21:46.541282578   21932 timer_generic.cc:537]         .. 
> shard[31]: heap_empty=true
> I1111 23:21:46.541285883   21932 timer_generic.cc:512]         .. 
> shard[31]->queue_deadline_cap --> 14011
> I1111 23:21:46.541288850   21932 timer_generic.cc:577]         .. 
> shard[31] popped 0
> I1111 23:21:46.545322680   21932 timer_generic.cc:577]         .. shard[3] 
> popped 0
> I1111 23:21:46.545325545   21932 timer_generic.cc:632]         .. result 
> --> 1, shard[3]->min_deadline 13016 --> 14017, now=13016
> I1111 23:21:46.545334606   21932 timer_generic.cc:741]       TIMER CHECK 
> END: r=1; next=14012
> I1111 23:21:46.545341069   21932 timer_manager.cc:188]       sleep for a 
> 996 milliseconds
> I1111 23:21:46.553617211   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:1078]   RETURN_EVENT[0x196d9f5321d0]: QUEUE_TIMEOUT
> I1111 23:21:46.553643502   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:969]    grpc_completion_queue_next(cq=0x196d9f5321d0, 
> deadline=gpr_timespec { tv_sec: 1636672906, tv_nsec: 753641584, clock_type: 
> 1 }, reserved=(nil))
> I1111 23:21:46.754965487   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:1078]   RETURN_EVENT[0x196d9f5321d0]: QUEUE_TIMEOUT
> I1111 23:21:46.754995057   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:969]    grpc_completion_queue_next(cq=0x196d9f5321d0, 
> deadline=gpr_timespec { tv_sec: 1636672906, tv_nsec: 954988879, clock_type: 
> 1 }, reserved=(nil))
> I1111 23:21:46.776727789   21933 
> tcp_server_posix.cc:243]    SERVER_CONNECT: incoming connection: ipv4:
> I1111 23:21:46.776762659   21933 timer_generic.cc:367]       TIMER 
> 0x737c6c002608: SET 133247 now 13247 call 0x737c6c002638[0x737c7d3819e0]
> I1111 23:21:46.776773077   21933 timer_generic.cc:404]         .. add to 
> shard 19 with queue_deadline_cap=14016 => is_first_timer=false
> I1111 23:21:46.776783737   21933 
> handshaker.cc:129]          handshake_manager 0x737c6c0025a0: error="No 
> Error" shutdown=0 index=0, args={endpoint=0x737c6c007d60, 
> args=0x737c6c007500 {size=0: }, read_buffer=0x737c6c002820 (length=0), 
> exit_early=0}
> I1111 23:21:46.776793254   21933 
> handshaker.cc:162]          handshake_manager 0x737c6c0025a0: handshaking 
> complete -- scheduling on_handshake_done with error="No Error"
> I1111 23:21:46.776899489   21933 timer_generic.cc:470]       TIMER 
> 0x737c6c002608: CANCEL pending=true
> I1111 23:21:46.776919469   21933 timer_generic.cc:367]       TIMER 
> 0x737c6c009ab8: SET 7213247 now 13247 call 0x737c6c009a38[0x737c7d315b20]
> I1111 23:21:46.776923335   21933 timer_generic.cc:404]         .. add to 
> shard 4 with queue_deadline_cap=14011 => is_first_timer=false
> I1111 23:21:46.776929541   21933 
> chttp2_transport.cc:789]    W:0x737c6c0087b0 SERVER [ipv4:
> I1111 23:21:46.776933463   21933 
> chttp2_transport.cc:789]    W:0x737c6c0087b0 SERVER [ipv4:
> I1111 23:21:46.776937899   21933 
> init.cc:168]                grpc_init(void)
> I1111 23:21:46.776957552   21933 
> chttp2_transport.cc:1814]   perform_transport_op[t=0x737c6c0087b0]:  
> START_CONNECTIVITY_WATCH:watcher=0x737c6c0012e0:from=IDLE 
> SET_ACCEPT_STREAM:0x737c7d3fc420(0x737c6c00a2e8,...)
> I1111 23:21:46.776967068   21933 timer_generic.cc:367]       TIMER 
> 0x737c6c002700: SET 133247 now 13247 call 0x737c6c002730[0x737c7d312910]
> I1111 23:21:46.776971608   21933 timer_generic.cc:404]         .. add to 
> shard 3 with queue_deadline_cap=14016 => is_first_timer=false
> I1111 23:21:46.776980639   21933 
> connectivity_state.cc:121]  ConnectivityStateTracker 
> server_transport[0x737c6c008a38]: add watcher 0x737c6c0012e0
> I1111 23:21:46.777048480   21933 
> connectivity_state.cc:127]  ConnectivityStateTracker 
> server_transport[0x737c6c008a38]: notifying watcher 0x737c6c0012e0: IDLE -> 
> I1111 23:21:46.777053479   21933 connectivity_state.cc:79]   watcher 
> 0x737c6c0012e0: delivering async notification for READY (OK)
> I1111 23:21:46.777061564   21933 timer_generic.cc:470]       TIMER 
> 0x737c6c009ab8: CANCEL pending=true
> I1111 23:21:46.777066479   21933 
> tcp_posix.cc:545]           TCP:0x737c6c007d60 notify_on_read
> I1111 23:21:46.777074313   21933 timer_generic.cc:367]       TIMER 
> 0x737c6c009ab8: SET 7213247 now 13247 call 0x737c6c009a38[0x737c7d315b20]
> I1111 23:21:46.777078859   21933 timer_generic.cc:404]         .. add to 
> shard 4 with queue_deadline_cap=14011 => is_first_timer=false
> D1111 23:21:46.777090664   21933 
> flow_control.cc:115]        0x737c6c009820[0][svr] | t updt sent | 
> trw:                         65535, tlw:                       4194304, 
> taw:              65535 -> 4194304, srw:                              , 
> slw:                              , saw:                             
> I1111 23:21:46.777096183   21933 
> chttp2_transport.cc:789]    W:0x737c6c0087b0 SERVER [ipv4:
>] state WRITING+MORE -> WRITING [begin write in current 
> thread]
> I1111 23:21:46.777099698   21933 tcp_posix.cc:1569]          WRITE 
> 0x737c6c007d60 (peer=ipv4:
> D1111 23:21:46.777103913   21933 tcp_posix.cc:1573]          DATA: 00 00 
> 18 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 40 00 00 00 05 00 40 00 00 00 06 00 00 20 00 
> fe 03 00 00 00 01 '............@.....@...... .þ.....'
> I1111 23:21:46.777107042   21933 tcp_posix.cc:1569]          WRITE 
> 0x737c6c007d60 (peer=ipv4:
> D1111 23:21:46.777110254   21933 tcp_posix.cc:1573]          DATA: 00 00 
> 04 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 3f 00 01 '..........?..'
> I1111 23:21:46.777134291   21933 tcp_posix.cc:1619]          write: "No 
> Error"
> I1111 23:21:46.777143819   21933 
> chttp2_transport.cc:789]    W:0x737c6c0087b0 SERVER [ipv4:
>] state WRITING -> IDLE [finish writing]
> I1111 23:21:46.777150598   21933 
> tcp_posix.cc:890]           TCP:0x737c6c007d60 got_read: "No Error"
> I1111 23:21:46.777153564   21933 
> tcp_posix.cc:872]           TCP:0x737c6c007d60 alloc_slices
> I1111 23:21:46.777156840   21933 resource_quota.cc:892]      RQ 
> anonymous_pool_126978225082368 ipv4: alloc 8192; 
> free_pool -> -8192:q!
> I1111 23:21:46.777160608   21933 resource_quota.cc:324]      RQ: check 
> allocation for user 0x737c6c007940 shutdown=0 free_pool=-8192 
> outstanding_allocations=8192
> I1111 23:21:46.777168902   21933 resource_quota.cc:352]      RQ 
> anonymous_pool_126978225082368 ipv4: grant alloc 8192 
> bytes; rq_free_pool -> 9223372036854767615
> I1111 23:21:46.777185523   21933 
> tcp_posix.cc:853]           TCP:0x737c6c007d60 read_allocation_done: "No 
> Error"
> I1111 23:21:46.777202888   21933 
> tcp_posix.cc:682]           TCP:0x737c6c007d60 call_cb 0x737c6c0088d8 
> 0x737c7d315d60:0x737c6c0087b0
> I1111 23:21:46.777314092   21933 tcp_posix.cc:685]           READ 
> 0x737c6c007d60 (peer=ipv4: error="No Error"
> D1111 23:21:46.777319644   21933 tcp_posix.cc:692]           DATA: 50 52 
> 49 20 2a 20 48 54 54 50 2f 32 2e 30 0d 0a 0d 0a 53 4d 0d 0a 0d 0a 00 00 1e 
> 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 10 00 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 03 00 00 00 64 00 
> 05 00 00 40 00 00 06 00 00 ff ff 00 00 04 08 00 00 00 00 00 7f ff 00 00 
> 'PRI * 
> HTTP/2.0....SM..............................d....@.....ÿÿ..........ÿ..'
> I1111 23:21:46.777325357   21933 
> frame_settings.cc:230]      CHTTP2:SVR:ipv4: got 
> setting HEADER_TABLE_SIZE = 4096
> I1111 23:21:46.777328806   21933 
> frame_settings.cc:230]      CHTTP2:SVR:ipv4: got 
> setting ENABLE_PUSH = 1
> I1111 23:21:46.777331703   21933 
> frame_settings.cc:230]      CHTTP2:SVR:ipv4: got 
> I1111 23:21:46.777334716   21933 
> frame_settings.cc:230]      CHTTP2:SVR:ipv4: got 
> setting MAX_FRAME_SIZE = 16384
> I1111 23:21:46.777341404   21933 
> frame_settings.cc:230]      CHTTP2:SVR:ipv4: got 
> setting MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE = 65535
> D1111 23:21:46.777348531   21933 
> flow_control.cc:115]        0x737c6c009820[0][svr] | t updt recv | 
> trw:           65535 -> 2147483647, tlw:                       4194304, 
> taw:                       4194304, srw:                              , 
> slw:                              , saw:                             
> I1111 23:21:46.777357504   21933 timer_generic.cc:470]       TIMER 
> 0x737c6c009ab8: CANCEL pending=true
> I1111 23:21:46.777361416   21933 
> tcp_posix.cc:545]           TCP:0x737c6c007d60 notify_on_read
> I1111 23:21:46.777370130   21933 timer_generic.cc:470]       TIMER 
> 0x737c6c002700: CANCEL pending=true
> I1111 23:21:46.777374739   21933 timer_generic.cc:367]       TIMER 
> 0x737c6c009ab8: SET 7213248 now 13248 call 0x737c6c009a38[0x737c7d315b20]
> I1111 23:21:46.777377885   21933 timer_generic.cc:404]         .. add to 
> shard 4 with queue_deadline_cap=14011 => is_first_timer=false
> I1111 23:21:46.803679721   21933 
> tcp_posix.cc:890]           TCP:0x737c6c007d60 got_read: "No Error"
> I1111 23:21:46.803701534   21933 
> tcp_posix.cc:882]           TCP:0x737c6c007d60 do_read
> I1111 23:21:46.803720072   21933 
> tcp_posix.cc:682]           TCP:0x737c6c007d60 call_cb 0x737c6c0088d8 
> 0x737c7d315d60:0x737c6c0087b0
> I1111 23:21:46.803725366   21933 tcp_posix.cc:685]           READ 
> 0x737c6c007d60 (peer=ipv4: error="No Error"
> D1111 23:21:46.803729032   21933 tcp_posix.cc:692]           DATA: 00 00 
> 00 04 01 00 00 00 00 '.........'
> I1111 23:21:46.803734042   21933 timer_generic.cc:470]       TIMER 
> 0x737c6c009ab8: CANCEL pending=true
> I1111 23:21:46.803742800   21933 
> tcp_posix.cc:545]           TCP:0x737c6c007d60 notify_on_read
> I1111 23:21:46.803747316   21933 timer_generic.cc:367]       TIMER 
> 0x737c6c009ab8: SET 7213274 now 13274 call 0x737c6c009a38[0x737c7d315b20]
> I1111 23:21:46.803755887   21933 timer_generic.cc:404]         .. add to 
> shard 4 with queue_deadline_cap=14011 => is_first_timer=false
> I1111 23:21:46.804594289   21933 
> tcp_posix.cc:890]           TCP:0x737c6c007d60 got_read: "No Error"
> I1111 23:21:46.804602809   21933 
> tcp_posix.cc:882]           TCP:0x737c6c007d60 do_read
> I1111 23:21:46.804608189   21933 
> tcp_posix.cc:682]           TCP:0x737c6c007d60 call_cb 0x737c6c0088d8 
> 0x737c7d315d60:0x737c6c0087b0
> I1111 23:21:46.804611274   21933 tcp_posix.cc:685]           READ 
> 0x737c6c007d60 (peer=ipv4: error="No Error"
> D1111 23:21:46.804618296   21933 tcp_posix.cc:692]           DATA: 00 00 
> 04 03 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 '.............'
> I1111 23:21:46.804622419   21933 timer_generic.cc:470]       TIMER 
> 0x737c6c009ab8: CANCEL pending=true
> I1111 23:21:46.804625465   21933 
> tcp_posix.cc:545]           TCP:0x737c6c007d60 notify_on_read
> I1111 23:21:46.804629089   21933 timer_generic.cc:367]       TIMER 
> 0x737c6c009ab8: SET 7213275 now 13275 call 0x737c6c009a38[0x737c7d315b20]
> I1111 23:21:46.804632047   21933 timer_generic.cc:404]         .. add to 
> shard 4 with queue_deadline_cap=14011 => is_first_timer=false
> I1111 23:21:46.955876216   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:1078]   RETURN_EVENT[0x196d9f5321d0]: QUEUE_TIMEOUT
> I1111 23:21:46.955901757   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:969]    grpc_completion_queue_next(cq=0x196d9f5321d0, 
> deadline=gpr_timespec { tv_sec: 1636672907, tv_nsec: 155899496, clock_type: 
> 1 }, reserved=(nil))
> I1111 23:21:47.157228522   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:1078]   RETURN_EVENT[0x196d9f5321d0]: QUEUE_TIMEOUT
> I1111 23:21:47.157245516   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:969]    grpc_completion_queue_next(cq=0x196d9f5321d0, 
> deadline=gpr_timespec { tv_sec: 1636672907, tv_nsec: 357243618, clock_type: 
> 1 }, reserved=(nil))
> I1111 23:21:47.358536911   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:1078]   RETURN_EVENT[0x196d9f5321d0]: QUEUE_TIMEOUT
> I1111 23:21:47.358567608   21933 
> completion_queue.cc:969]    grpc_completion_queue_next(cq=0x196d9f5321d0, 
> deadline=gpr_timespec { tv_sec: 1636672907, tv_nsec: 553638656, clock_type: 
> 1 }, reserved=(nil))
> I1111 23:21:47.541266827   21932 timer_manager.cc:204]       wait ended: 
> was_timed:1 kicked:0
> I1111 23:21:47.541284766   21932 timer_generic.cc:719]       TIMER CHECK 
> BEGIN: now=14012 next=9223372036854775807 tls_min=13016 glob_min=14012
> I1111 23:21:47.541289173   21932 timer_generic.cc:614]         .. 
> shard[0]->min_deadline = 14012
> I1111 23:21:47.541292337   21932 timer_generic.cc:537]         .. 
> shard[0]: heap_empty=true
> I1111 23:21:47.541295125   21932 timer_generic.cc:512]         .. 
> shard[0]->queue_deadline_cap --> 15012
> I1111 23:21:47.541298018   21932 timer_generic.cc:577]         .. shard[0] 
> popped 0
>  Any help on how to proceed ? Google/Stackoverflow/GRPC documentation 
> didn't get me much on this issue.

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