
I have a simple client and server using gRPC to exchange information. For 
now, client side transfer big binary data to server by stream. At server 
side, server reads one by one from stream and copy the content to another 
pre-allocated memory to deal with. 
My question is, is there any way to avoid coping data from stream into 
pre-allocated space and use stream data directly in other thread. 

Here is the code snip 
message my_data{
    sint32 data_len;
    string data;

rpc transfer(stream my_data) returns (stream other)

Status  transfer  ServerContext* context,
                   ServerReaderWriter< my_data  ,  other  >* stream
    my_data d;
    while (stream->Read(&d)) {
        char* p = malloc(d.data_len);
        strncpy(p, d.data.c_str(), d.data_len);
        //add p to list 

is there any way to avoid above strncpy?


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