I have a Kubuntu 11.10 on an amd64 system with kernel 3.0.0-16-generic. My grub 
version is 1.99-12ubuntu5. My root and boot directories were on an OCZ-AGILITY2 
SATA II SSD, and /home was and is on conventional SATA hard disks. All was well 
for several months, untile I suddenly started getting Grub error: out of disk, 
no boot, drops into grub rescue>.

I tried various things to no avail, then installed a conventional SATA hard 
disk and dd'd the root partition to it. It would not boot to the new root disk 
either, giving GRUB error: "ELF header smaller than expected, thereafter 
dropping again into grub rescue>. So, as root, I then did apt-get update; then 
apt-get purge grub-common grub-gfxpayload-lists grub-pc grub-pc-bin grub2 
grub2-common; then reinstalled grub2 including it's dependencies. At that point 
and since, I can successfully boot from the conventional SATA hard disk.

My SSD remained as it had been prior to dd'ing it to the conventional SATA hard 
disk. Hoping to resuscitate it, I hooked it back up again and repeated the 
apt-get purge and install process that had worked on the conventional SATA hard 
disk. No dice - when trying to boot from the SSD I'm back to the original Grub 
error: out of disk, no boot, drops into grub rescue>.

Is there a way to cure the grub2 out of disk error re-establish grub2 booting 
from the SSD?

Thanks, Gus

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