Hello, List!
I have some doubts about the correctness of SimpleCA work. As it is
described in "Installing SimpleCA" guide (
there must be net two steps:

1) Run the script $GLOBUS_LOCATION/setup/globus/setup-simple-ca as globus


2) Run two scripts as root user:

$GLOBUS_LOCATION/setup/globus_simple_ca_CA_Hash_setup/setup-gsi -default
grid-cert-request -host 'hostname'

I have one problem with the last command. Is it means that 'hostname' is
Fully-Qualified Domain Name? The thing is, that I have two different "unique
subject name for CA" - while I run first script and when I see the output of
the last script. For example, when I run first, I've entered this string:


and when I run the third script I see:

A private host key and a certificate request has been generated
with the subject:


Is it a correct behavior of SimpleCA? Perhaps, my troubles with RFT usage
are connected with this effect (I get errors like"Expected
"/CN=host/localhost" target but received
"/O=Grid/OU/OU=igroup/CN=host/test2.iGroup"" and so on)
Thanks in advance
Sergey Smolov

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