Interesting, I deal with recurring projects in mGTD (such as travel
arrangements) by having a template in a text file, for example like this:
Visit DestDates|Travel|Work
.Create Travel Request for DestDates|Office|N
.Get Travel Order for DestDates|Office|F
.Create Travel Claim for DestDates|Office|F
.Turn on Out-of-office assistant for DestDates|Office|F
.Turn off Out-of-office assistant for DestDates|Office|F
.Establish itinerary for DestDates|Office|F
.Order tickets for DestDates|Office|F

When a new travel comes up, I open the text file, replace DestDates with eg
"Dubai 10-20 Sept 2009" (you wish...) and then paste the whole text file
into mGTD's Quick Add to create the project. Completely manual and a bit
cumbersome, but nothing to carry over between mGTD upgrades.

- Erlend

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