Hi, just some comments below.

On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 00:52 -0400, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> During last weeks gazpacho hackfest here in the RedHat desktop grotto, 
> I started to work on an implementation of a springs-and-struts layout
> container for GTK+, similar to the java SpringLayout. The widget
> is not perfect yet, but it is good enough to play around with the 
> concept, so I thought I should make it available to interested
> parties. The tarball at
> http://people.redhat.com/mclasen/springs.tar.gz 
> contains a few examples that show how to use the widget. A quick
> introduction to the concepts can be found here:
> http://people.redhat.com/mclasen/README.springs

  I am left wondering why this new layout system?  Maybe it's great, but
why was it introduced?  To solve something that can't be solved without
it, I suppose?..  Would the current container-based layout system be
deprecated in the future in favour of this one, or would both coexist?

  I find the current container-based system easier on newbies, although
this spring layout system does sound promising for more complex layout
needs.  Moreover, with recent canvas discussions, this layout system at
first glance looks promising for controlling layout of canvas items,
especially since the same mechanism could then be used to layout both
canvas items and regular widgets.


Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
The universe is always one step beyond logic

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