getting the allocated size of a widget

2006-05-19 Thread Nick Watts
I'm writing an image viewer application and I want to be able to scale the image being shown to fit the window, whatever size that may be. There's other stuff in the window too so getting just the window size isn't an option. What's the easiest/correct way to get the current width and height of

signals stop working

2006-03-24 Thread Nick Watts
I have an application with several GtkEntry's and a GtkTextView. I wanted to put the cut, copy and paste commands in my edit menu with the GTK_STOCK images and accelerators just for cosmetic value (GtkTextView and GtkTextEntry support the Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V shortcuts natively). To do this

clipboards under win32

2006-02-24 Thread Nick Watts
I'm having a little difficulty understanding the concepts behind clipboards in GTK. I want to use these functions in a text editing app: gtk_text_buffer_paste_clipboard() gtk_text_buffer_copy_clipboard() gtk_text_buffer_cut_clipboard() but they all require a GtkClipboard object as an argument.

GtkTextTag usage

2005-12-16 Thread Nick Watts
I'm trying to implement syntax highlighting in my text widget. Here is my code: static void create_tags(GtkTextBuffer *buffer) { gtk_text_buffer_create_tag(buffer, doctype, background, grey, editable, FALSE, NULL); } static void text_changed(GtkTextBuffer *buffer,

activeX embedding

2005-12-14 Thread Nick Watts
Does anyone know if it is possible to embed an activeX control in a GTK+ app? In particular the mozilla control or if I get desperate enough the IE one? For win32 so gtkmozembed is out although I'll probably use that when I port to linux. Thanks guys.

g_date_set_time error on folder selection

2005-10-16 Thread Nick Watts
On Windows XP. I've got a GtkFileChooser widget set up with the GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER action. Whenever I go to the My Pictures directory with the file chooser widget, I get a whole bunch of identical errors that all say: Glib-CRITICAL **: g_date_set_time: assertion 'ptm != NULL'

UI manager problem, more concise

2005-09-07 Thread Nick Watts
Umm, lets see. I have a whole bunch of UImanager code, but none of it causes an error until I get to this: if (!gtk_ui_manager_add_ui_from_string (ui, ui_info, -1, error)) { g_message (building menus failed: %s, error-message); g_error_free (error); } The weird thing is that although I get a

Image display without window

2005-09-06 Thread Nick Watts
I've seen applications (eg. mozilla and blender) display an image at startup without any (visible) container such as a window or dialog. I would like to add this touch of class to my app, anyone know the easiest way? I tried just adding a GtkImage to a GtkWindow, removing window decorations

UIManager errors

2005-09-06 Thread Nick Watts
I'm trying to create a simple menu for my app with the new UIManager functions under GTK+ 2.6. I've copied most of my code for it from the the gtk-demo.exe app and I still can't get it to work. Compiles fine, but I get a long list of errors, all of which are like these (same error for similar

Removing themes under win32

2005-09-05 Thread Nick Watts
I have installed the Wimp theme for GTK on windows and well... I hate it. GIMP now crashes when I create a new image!!! How do I properly remove it and go back to the regular GTK+ look and feel? Cheers ___ gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Gdk Pixbuf file saving

2005-08-30 Thread Nick Watts
I am trying to create a simple photo resizing app and I can't get the gdk_pixbuf_save() function to work. I have gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple() working so I evidently have the gdk Here is my code: == static void save_image() {

GdkColor to Hexadecimal conversion

2005-08-17 Thread Nick Watts
Easiest way to convert a GdkColor to its hexadecimal equivalent? ___ gtk-app-devel-list mailing list

Easiest way to get browser functionality embedded on win32?

2005-08-14 Thread Nick Watts
I'm writing my first mildly useful GTK+ app so still learning and I'd like to embed a web browser in it. I don't need to handle any input or output except getting it to load a HTML/Javascript file and render it properly. What's the easiest way to do this in GTK+ for win32? Currently I'm