2010/6/27 Mick <bare...@tpg.com.au>:
> In veiw of the nightmare I've had finding non-trivial example code for
> assembling/implimenting gtk widgets recently I have decided to attempt
> to assemble a library of functions that impliment a task at a more
> advanced level than your typical 'Hello world' that abound.
> Some examples would be:
> A menubar that uses each type of GtkMenuItem - simple text, stock item,
>        label & icon, check box, radio buttons, a button that calls a
>        dialog, ...
> A 'command help' dialog, with dismiss button that uses a liststore to
>        show command short form, long form and description.
> Anyone who follows this list will have seen many of these are beyond my
> current capabilities so I'm calling on the list to offer up some of
> their own little gems to make this a worthwhile resource.

php.net has 'user annotations' in its on-line manual. this contains a
lot of good examples. it would be cool if library.gnome.org could have
such a feature.

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