Hello everyone,

I'm very pleased to officially announce the Gtk+ 2010 hackfest.

The hackfest will be during the week of October 18 through 22 in A
Coruña, Galicia.  Igalia has stepped up and offered the venue.

For developers actively involved in Gtk+, the foundation has agreed to
pay the full cost of accomodation (Sunday through Saturday) if those
attending can cover their other costs (travel, food, etc).

Please visit this wiki page and add yourself to the list of names if you
are interested in attending:


We have room for about 20 (comfortable) to 30 (less comfortable) hackers
at the venue.

The dates and location are completely finalised, so if you are coming,
you should start booking tickets ASAP.  Please add yourself to the list
before booking tickets, so we can avoid being overbooked at the venue.

The hackfest has two primary focuses:

  1) Revisiting the choices we made at GUADEC in terms of schedule
     feasibility and culling features if necessary.

  2) Hacking like crazy to make them happen in time for a Christmas
     release of Gtk 3.0.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there.


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