Dear Sir/ Madam,

I have been using the Glib to make doubly linked list of structures on
eclipse of Ubuntu. I have encountered problem in using *“g_list_find”*
and “*g_list_remove”
*functions for structure data type.

When I used both of the above functions, I first entered the data and
stored them in the structure. I used the pointer of the entered data and
fed into the above function after typecasting structure pointer as
“gpointer”. But, when I took the output of the program after compiling,
neither of the function find nor deleted the inputted structure data.

Also, I want to ask is there any problem in using structure instead of
regular data types like integer, float, etc to use Glib functions?

How can I make ‘*GCompareFunc’ *to compare elements of the structure as
tried to make normal comparison functions but they did not work out?

Satyam Singh
gtk-list mailing list

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