Yesterday I chased a bug for several hours but could not find a workaround.
I dug into the mail list archives but could not find anything related.

It occurs with a program called xftree, which is a program with a CTree for 
dragging and dropping files for moving and copying. Binaries and sources of 
the program can be found at or at the CVS at

The bug is the following:
1-Open xftree
2-Open a second instance of xftree (not from "New window", but a separate 
3-drag a file from xftree-1 to xftree-2  and move it around quickly.

Somewhere around action 3, a floating icon will get stuck somewhere on 
xftree-2, and will make xftree-2 "think" a drag event was initiated on 
xftree-2, and thus will sort of screw up xftree-2 until that drag is finished.

The bug does not occur if:
1- Both windows belong to the same process.
2- A drag event has already been initiated and terminated on xftree-2
3- The drag is done slowly and carefully.

It is apparent that some internal gtk+ variable is not initialized until 
after the first drag event, and this lack of initialization is causing the 
problem. To workaround, xftree just needs to initialize this (these) variable 

Any ideas on what to initialize? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance to any pointers,

Edscott Wilson Garcia
gtk-list mailing list

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