I can't get past the first program in the Gtk+ tutorial.
The machine I'm trying to use calls itself:
HP-UX grace B.10.20 E 9000/809

I know it must be either that Gtk+ is not installed properly,
or gmake isn't working right, or else something else is wrong.

First I copied the 200x200 pixel window program from
and attempted to compile it with:

gcc base.c -o base `gtk-config --cflags --libs`

The error message was:

/usr/ccs/bin/ld: Can't find library for -lXext


I can't find Xext (which doesn't mean it's not there).  Assuming I do
find it or get it there, how do I want the gtk-config file to look
so that it will find it?  make -v gives an error message, but gmake -v
works fine.  Is that OK?

What I'm really trying to figure out is what I tell my sysadmin so he 
doesn't have to do all (or even most)of the work to solve this.

Any clues at all, such as what book I should be reading, would help.

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