ANNOUNCE: Axis Not Evil 0.2 ( Gtk2::Ex::DBI, Gtk2::Ex::Datasheet::DBI, PDF::ReportWriter )

2005-08-01 Thread Daniel Kasak
Greetings. I'm pleased to announce a round of upgrades to the packages making up Axis Not Evil: Axis Not Evil is a suit of open-source, cross-platform Perl modules that combine to provide an alternative to a /'leading'/ software vendor's RAD design

ANNOUNCE: Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory 0.57

2005-08-01 Thread Jörn Reder
NAME Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory ONLINE DOCUMENTATION DOWNLOAD PAGE DESCRIPTION This is a framework which tries to make building complex GUI's easy, by offering these two main features: * Consistent looking GUI w

Re: mplayer-embedding

2005-08-01 Thread zentara
On Sun, 31 Jul 2005 12:00:36 -0400 (EDT) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2005 13:42:24 +0200 >From: Bo?tjan ?peti? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Subject: mplayer? >hi >is there an easy way of embeding mplayer into gtk2? >regards, bostjan Hi, I did it with Tk, and had some success embedding mp

Re: Testing GTK application

2005-08-01 Thread Gábor Szabó
On 8/1/05, muppet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Gábor Szabó said: > > While I don't see huge enthusiasm about the issue here on the mailing > > list let me continue with what I found. > > Don't confuse silence with lack of enthusiasm. Your question is more about > gtk+ than about perl, and abou

Re: Testing GTK application

2005-08-01 Thread muppet
Gábor Szabó said: > While I don't see huge enthusiasm about the issue here on the mailing > list let me continue with what I found. Don't confuse silence with lack of enthusiasm. Your question is more about gtk+ than about perl, and about win32 rather than X11, and so targets a very small portio

Re: Testing GTK application

2005-08-01 Thread Gábor Szabó
While I don't see huge enthusiasm about the issue here on the mailing list let me continue with what I found. I ran a GTK application written in Perl and tried to see what WinSpy knows about it. I found a "gdkWindowToplevel" with the real title of the ap

Re: Text with transparent background

2005-08-01 Thread muppet
Dirk van der Walt said: > I'm currently trying to learn more on GDK. > How will I go about displaying text on the screen without > any background? Could you clarify what you mean by "without any background"? Is that text overlaid on a window regardless of the contents of the window, or something

Text with transparent background

2005-08-01 Thread Dirk van der Walt
Hi, I'm currently trying to learn more on GDK. How will I go about displaying text on the screen without any background? A simple sample script will be most appreciated. :) Tx ___ gtk-perl-list mailing list http://mail.gnome.or