We Miata owners know about gel cell batteries. They don't last any longer,
but cost a bunch more. The reason in the Miata is because the battery is in
the trunk, a bad place for an acid spill. No motorcycle I'm aware of ever has
had a gel cell stock. There are some solid state replacements, but
00 2:30 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Re: battery on the shelf
Seems like when I replaced my battery, it was listed as a
'gel' cell
battery. I'm not sure exactly what that mea
My understanding was that it is a sealed maintenance free battery. Not a
Gel battery. Usually gell is used in deep cycle/wheelchair/marine
> Seems like when I replaced my battery, it was listed as a 'gel' cell
> battery. I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I kind of got t
Seems like when I replaced my battery, it was listed as a 'gel' cell
battery. I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I kind of got the
impression that the acid is suspended in 'gel, thereby reducing splash
or spilling if the bike tips over or hits big bumps in the road. I was
also un
I think the battery I purchased for my GTS cost me ~$45. From my dealer. It is
the same battery used in some of the Honda ATV's so they should have it in stock
if they are a Honda dealer. Because of the warranty starting at the time of
purchase I wouldn't purchase it. If the battery is damaged
On Fri, 5 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Tim, the battery will keep for a reasonable length of time, but not
> forever. The real issue is that you NOT do the initial service until
> you're ready to use it, and it sounds like you already know that.
I think that a 'dry' battery, that is still
Tim, the battery will keep for a reasonable length of time, but not
forever. The real issue is that you NOT do the initial service until
you're ready to use it, and it sounds like you already know that.
The battery should have a manufacture date on it. The owner's manual will
give you longer i