
[I've some questions about guile-debugging package and because of I
couldn't find a suitable place to ask, I decided to post them in here.
I hope it's ok.]

While executing an s-exp with some breakpoints, everything goes
fine. But after I finish the execution and want to re-execute the code
with same breakpoints, this time gds just returns the result. It doesn't
pop-up a stack window for stepping as it did previously. Has anybody
ever experienced a similar problem? How can I fix this?

BTW, I think, requirement of a region to set/delete a breakpoint is
quite inconvenient. Therefore I've written two small emacs functions
which sets/deletes the breakpoint in the backward-up-list. (At least
it's better than manually searching with (search-forwards "(") as
current guile-debugging does.) I attached them with the post, in case of
anybody would be interested in.

guile-debugging is an awesome project. I hope its development won't stop
and be as stable/functional as guile.

(defun my-gds-set-breakpoint ()
  "Create a new GDS breakpoint at point."
    ;; Find the beginning of the current s-exp. (BACKWARD-UP-LIST will
    ;; raise an error for us in case of it couldn't find a valid upper
    ;; s-exp.)
    (or (gds-breakpoint-overlays-at (point)) ; Do we already have one?
        ;; Mark the position and save to breakpoints file.
        (and (gds-make-breakpoint-overlay
              (list gds-default-breakpoint-type
                    (gds-line-and-column (point))))

(defun my-gds-delete-breakpoint ()
  "Delete the GDS breakpoint set at point."
    (if (gds-breakpoint-overlays-at (point))
        (call-interactively (function gds-delete-breakpoint)))))
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