Hello Guilers,

I'm pleased to announce Guile-Udev 0.2.0:

This is the first version of Guile-Udev.

See the full list of the user-visible changes below.

* What is Guile-Udev?

Guile-Udev is a GNU Guile library that provides bindings to libudev[1]

The library comes with Info documentation and usage examples.

* User-visible changes

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* Changes in version 0.2.0 (2021-04-11)
** Changes in (udev monitor)
*** Allow to specify 'select' timeout
   The module now provides 'udev-monitor-set-timeout!' procedure that allows
   to specify timeout for calls to 'select'.
*** New procedure 'make-udev-monitor'
    The module now provides two procedures for creating udev monitors:
    low-level '%make-udev-monitor' and high-level 'make-udev-monitor' procedure
    that allows to specify monitor parameters by means of keywords.
*** New procedure 'udev-monitor-set-error-callback!'
    This procedure allows to set a callback that will be called on errors when
    scanner is started.
*** 'make-udev-monitor' now allows to set an error callback
    This callback will be called on errors during device scanning. It defaults
    to a procedure that prints error messages to stderr.
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* Usage examples

There is an example named 'examples/device-listener.scm'.  It listens to
USB events and prints device paths from events to the stdout.

Also the library is used as a foundation for a USB flash auto-mounter
daemon that I've written for one of my jobs:

Happy hacking!

- Artyom

1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Udev

Artyom "avp" Poptsov <poptsov.art...@gmail.com>
CADR Hackerspace co-founder: https://cadrspace.ru/
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