
with GOOPS I am adding methods to FOR-EACH; with:

(define-method (for-each (proc <applicable>)
                         (L <list>)
                         (S <stream>) . args)
  (apply stream-for-each proc L S args))

I  see a strange  bug: STREAM-FOR-EACH  is my  C implemented
procedure and it completes successfully, but before FOR-EACH
returns it looks like  another FOR-EACH (I guess the Guile's
built in) is invoked with the same arguments.

My understanding of the prolem is:

1. the generic FOR-EACH function is invoked;
2. the generic FOR-EACH  function selects the correct method
   for the arguments: my implementation;
3. my method is invoked and it completes successfully;
4. before  the   generic  FOR-EACH  returns   something  bad

The problem does not show when I test:

(define-method (for-each (proc <applicable>)
                         (S <stream>) . args)
  (apply stream-for-each proc S args))

The problem disappears if I prepend:

(define saved-for-each for-each)
(define-generic for-each)
(define-method (for-each (proc <applicable>) . args)
  (apply saved-for-each proc args))

that is: if I make  FOR-EACH a generic function, rather than
relying on the primitive generic functionality.

This is  probably caused by  a mess in  my C code, but  I am
failing to  find the problem.  Can someone point  me towards
the code in Guile that  does method invocation? It should be
somewhere in the evaluator...


Marco Maggi

"Now feel the funk blast!"
Rage Against the Machine - "Calm like a bomb"

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