civodul pushed a commit to branch master
in repository maintenance.

commit a6b3c0245c8328e1ca3f6b7c2fc9f983e609c56d
Author: Ludovic Courtès <>
Date:   Fri Sep 1 15:33:02 2017 +0200

    gpce-2017: Use acmart v1.47.
    Taken from <>,
    commit 257e068be2f5919d3b0d003356f747eb2b3076c7.
 doc/gpce-2017/GNUmakefile |    2 +-
 doc/gpce-2017/acmart.cls  | 2544 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 2545 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/doc/gpce-2017/GNUmakefile b/doc/gpce-2017/GNUmakefile
index 361691a..18df321 100644
--- a/doc/gpce-2017/GNUmakefile
+++ b/doc/gpce-2017/GNUmakefile
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ RUBBER   := rubber
 .DEFAULT_GOAL := gpce.pdf
 %.pdf: %.tex
-       $(RUBBER) --pdf "$<"
+       $(RUBBER) --pdf -I $$PWD "$<"
 %.tex: %.skb
        $(SKRIBILO)  -t latex -o "$@" "$<"
diff --git a/doc/gpce-2017/acmart.cls b/doc/gpce-2017/acmart.cls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf83c8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/gpce-2017/acmart.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,2544 @@
+%% This is file `acmart.cls',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% acmart.dtx  (with options: `class')
+%% For the copyright see the source file.
+%% Any modified versions of this file must be renamed
+%% with new filenames distinct from acmart.cls.
+%% For distribution of the original source see the terms
+%% for copying and modification in the file acmart.dtx.
+%% This generated file may be distributed as long as the
+%% original source files, as listed above, are part of the
+%% same distribution. (The sources need not necessarily be
+%% in the same archive or directory.)
+%% \CharacterTable
+%%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+%%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+%%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+%%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
+%%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
+%%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
+%%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
+%%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
+%%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
+%%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
+%%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
+%%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
+%%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
+%%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
+[2017/08/31 v1.47 Typesetting articles for Association of
+Computing Machinery]
+  \ClassWarning{\@classname}{%
+    I am loading acmart-preload-hook.tex. You are fully responsible
+    for any problems from now on.}}{}
+  manuscript, acmsmall, acmlarge, acmtog, sigconf, siggraph,
+  sigplan, sigchi, sigchi-a}[manuscript]{}{%
+  \ClassError{\@classname}{The option format must be manuscript,
+    acmsmall, acmlarge, acmtog, sigconf, siggraph,
+    sigplan, sigchi or sigchi-a}}
+  \if@ACM@screen
+    \PackageInfo{\@classname}{Using screen mode}%
+  \else
+    \PackageInfo{\@classname}{Not using screen mode}%
+  \fi}{\PackageError{\@classname}{Option screen can be either true or
+    false}}
+  \if@ACM@acmthm
+    \PackageInfo{\@classname}{Requiring acmthm}%
+  \else
+    \PackageInfo{\@classname}{Suppressing acmthm}%
+  \fi}{\PackageError{\@classname}{Option acmthm can be either true or
+    false}}
+  \if@ACM@review
+    \PackageInfo{\@classname}{Using review mode}%
+  \else
+    \PackageInfo{\@classname}{Not using review mode}%
+  \fi}{\PackageError{\@classname}{Option review can be either true or
+    false}}
+  \if@ACM@authorversion
+    \PackageInfo{\@classname}{Using authorversion mode}%
+  \else
+    \PackageInfo{\@classname}{Not using authorversion mode}%
+  \fi}{\PackageError{\@classname}{Option authorversion can be either true or
+    false}}
+  \if@ACM@natbib
+    \PackageInfo{\@classname}{Explicitly selecting natbib mode}%
+  \else
+    \PackageInfo{\@classname}{Explicitly deselecting natbib mode}%
+  \fi}{\PackageError{\@classname}{Option natbib can be either true or
+    false}}
+  \if@ACM@anonymous
+    \PackageInfo{\@classname}{Using anonymous mode}%
+  \else
+    \PackageInfo{\@classname}{Not using anonymous mode}%
+  \fi}{\PackageError{\@classname}{Option anonymous can be either true or
+    false}}
+  \if@ACM@timestamp
+    \PackageInfo{\@classname}{Using timestamp mode}%
+  \else
+    \PackageInfo{\@classname}{Not using timestamp mode}%
+  \fi}{\PackageError{\@classname}{Option timestamp can be either true or
+    false}}
+  \if@ACM@authordraft
+    \PackageInfo{\@classname}{Using authordraft mode}%
+    \@ACM@timestamptrue
+    \@ACM@reviewtrue
+  \else
+    \PackageInfo{\@classname}{Not using authordraft mode}%
+  \fi}{\PackageError{\@classname}{Option authordraft can be either true or
+    false}}
+\ClassInfo{\@classname}{Using format \ACM@format, number \ACM@format@nr}
+\ifnum\ACM@format@nr=5\relax % siggraph
+  \ClassWarning{\@classname}{The format `siggraph' is now obsolete.
+    I am switching to sigconf.}
+  \setkeys{acmart.cls}{format=sigconf}
+  \@ACM@manuscripttrue
+  \@ACM@manuscriptfalse
+\relax % manuscript
+  \@ACM@journaltrue
+\or % acmsmall
+  \@ACM@journaltrue
+\or % acmlarge
+  \@ACM@journaltrue
+\or % acmtog
+  \@ACM@journaltrue
+\or % sigconf
+  \@ACM@journalfalse
+\or % siggraph
+  \@ACM@journalfalse
+ \or % sigplan
+  \@ACM@journalfalse
+ \or % sigchi
+  \@ACM@journalfalse
+\or % sigchi-a
+  \@ACM@journalfalse
+  \@ACM@sigchiamodetrue
+  \ifcase\ACM@format@nr
+  \relax % manuscript
+    \def\ACM@fontsize{9pt}%
+  \or % acmsmall
+    \def\ACM@fontsize{10pt}%
+  \or % acmlarge
+    \def\ACM@fontsize{10pt}%
+  \or % acmtog
+    \def\ACM@fontsize{9pt}%
+  \or % sigconf
+    \def\ACM@fontsize{9pt}%
+  \or % siggraph
+    \def\ACM@fontsize{9pt}%
+   \or % sigplan
+    \def\ACM@fontsize{10pt}%
+   \or % sigchi
+    \def\ACM@fontsize{10pt}%
+  \or % sigchi-a
+    \def\ACM@fontsize{10pt}%
+  \fi
+\ClassInfo{\@classname}{Using fontsize \ACM@fontsize}
+\LoadClass[\ACM@fontsize, reqno]{amsart}
+  \RequirePackage{natbib}
+  \renewcommand{\bibsection}{%
+     \section*{\refname}%
+     \phantomsection\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\refname}%
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+\or % sigchi
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+  \let\citeN\cite
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+  \AtBeginDocument{%
+    \let\shortcite\cite%
+    \providecommand\citename[1]{#1}}
+  \ifNAT@numbers\cite[#1]{#2}\else\citeyear[#1]{#2}\fi}
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+    \expandafter\AtBeginDocument
+  \fi
+    {\if@filesw
+       \immediate\write\@auxout{\string\bibstyle{#1}}%
+     \fi}}
+\RequirePackage{graphicx, xcolor}
+  \RequirePackage{draftwatermark}
+  \SetWatermarkFontSize{0.5in}
+  \SetWatermarkColor[gray]{.9}
+  \SetWatermarkText{\parbox{12em}{\centering
+      Unpublished working draft\\
+      Not for distribution}}
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+   marginparwidth=6pc,heightrounded}%
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+     includeheadfoot, head=13pt, foot=2pc,
+     paperwidth=6.75in, paperheight=10in,
+     top=58pt, bottom=44pt, inner=46pt, outer=46pt,
+     marginparwidth=2pc,heightrounded
+   }%
+\or % acmlarge
+   \geometry{twoside=true, head=13pt, foot=2pc,
+     paperwidth=8.5in, paperheight=11in,
+     includeheadfoot,
+     top=78pt, bottom=114pt, inner=81pt, outer=81pt,
+     marginparwidth=4pc,heightrounded
+     }%
+\or % acmtog
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+     paperwidth=8.5in, paperheight=11in,
+     includeheadfoot, columnsep=24pt,
+     top=52pt, bottom=75pt, inner=52pt, outer=52pt,
+     marginparwidth=2pc,heightrounded
+     }%
+\or % sigconf
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+     paperwidth=8.5in, paperheight=11in,
+     includeheadfoot, columnsep=2pc,
+     top=57pt, bottom=73pt, inner=54pt, outer=54pt,
+     marginparwidth=2pc,heightrounded
+     }%
+\or % siggraph
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+     paperwidth=8.5in, paperheight=11in,
+     includeheadfoot, columnsep=2pc,
+     top=57pt, bottom=73pt, inner=54pt, outer=54pt,
+     marginparwidth=2pc,heightrounded
+     }%
+\or % sigplan
+   \geometry{twoside=true, head=13pt,
+     paperwidth=8.5in, paperheight=11in,
+     includeheadfoot=false, columnsep=2pc,
+     top=1in, bottom=1in, inner=0.75in, outer=0.75in,
+     marginparwidth=2pc,heightrounded
+     }%
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+     paperwidth=8.5in, paperheight=11in,
+     includeheadfoot, columnsep=2pc,
+     top=66pt, bottom=73pt, inner=54pt, outer=54pt,
+     marginparwidth=2pc,heightrounded
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+     paperwidth=11in, paperheight=8.5in,
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+\or % sigplan
+\or % sigchi
+\or % sigchi-a
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+  \hrule \@width 4pc \kern 2.6\p@}
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+\IfFileExists{libertine.sty}{}{\ClassWarning{\@classname}{You do not
+    have libertine package installed.  Please upgrade your
+    TeX}\@ACM@newfontsfalse}
+\IfFileExists{zi4.sty}{}{\ClassWarning{\@classname}{You do not
+    have zi4 package installed.  Please upgrade your TeX}\@ACM@newfontsfalse}
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+    have newtxmath package installed.  Please upgrade your
+    TeX}\@ACM@newfontsfalse}
+\RequirePackage[tt=false, type1=true]{libertine}
+  \DeclareTextFontCommand{\liningnums}{\libertineLF}}
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+  \or % acmtog
+  \or % sigconf
+  \or % siggraph
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+\or % sigplan
+\or % sigchi
+\or % sigchi-a
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+  %% First-level list: when beginning after the first line of an
+  %% indented paragraph or ending before an indented paragraph, labels
+  %% should not hang to the left of the preceding/following text.
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+  Association for Computing Machinery.
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+  Association for Computing Machinery.
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+  Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to
+  Association for Computing Machinery.
+  \or % licensedcagov
+  Crown in Right of Canada. Publication rights licensed to
+  Association for Computing Machinery.
+  \or %licensedcagovmixed
+  Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to
+  Association for Computing Machinery.
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+  Association for Computing Machinery.
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+  Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to
+  Association for Computing Machinery.
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+   royalty-free right to publish or reproduce this article, or to allow
+   others to do so, provided that clear attribution is given both to
+   the authors and the Canadian government agency employing them.
+   Permission to make digital or hard copies for personal or classroom
+   use is granted. Copies must bear this notice and the full citation
+   on the first page.  Copyrights for components of this work owned by
+   others than the Canadian Government must be honored. To copy
+   otherwise, distribute, republish, or post, requires prior specific
+   permission and\hspace*{.5pt}/or a fee. Request permissions from
+  \or % cagovmixed
+   ACM acknowledges that this contribution was co-authored by an
+   affiliate of the national government of Canada. As such, the Crown
+   in Right of Canada retains an equal interest in the copyright.
+   Reprints must include clear attribution to ACM and the author's
+   government agency affiliation.  Permission to make digital or hard
+   copies for personal or classroom use is granted.  Copies must bear
+   this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for
+   components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored.
+   To copy otherwise, distribute, republish, or post, requires prior
+   specific permission and\hspace*{.5pt}/or a fee. Request permissions
+   from
+  \or % licensedusgovmixed
+   Publication rights licensed to ACM\@. ACM acknowledges that this
+   contribution was authored or co-authored by an employee, contractor
+   or affiliate of the United States government. As such, the
+   Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to publish or
+   reproduce this article, or to allow others to do so, for Government
+   purposes only.
+  \or % licensedcagov
+   This article was authored by employees of the Government of Canada.
+   As such, the Canadian government retains all interest in the
+   copyright to this work and grants to ACM a nonexclusive,
+   royalty-free right to publish or reproduce this article, or to allow
+   others to do so, provided that clear attribution is given both to
+   the authors and the Canadian government agency employing them.
+   Permission to make digital or hard copies for personal or classroom
+   use is granted. Copies must bear this notice and the full citation
+   on the first page.  Copyrights for components of this work owned by
+   others than the Canadian Government must be honored. To copy
+   otherwise, distribute, republish, or post, requires prior specific
+   permission and\hspace*{.5pt}/or a fee. Request permissions from
+  \or % licensedcagovmixed
+   Publication rights licensed to ACM\@. ACM acknowledges that this
+   contribution was authored or co-authored by an employee, contractor
+   or affiliate of the national government of Canada. As such, the
+   Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to publish or
+   reproduce this article, or to allow others to do so, for Government
+   purposes only.
+  \or % othergov
+   ACM acknowledges that this contribution was authored or co-authored
+   by an employee, contractor or affiliate of a national government. As
+   such, the Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to
+   publish or reproduce this article, or to allow others to do so, for
+   Government purposes only.
+  \or % licensedothergov
+   Publication rights licensed to ACM\@. ACM acknowledges that this
+   contribution was authored or co-authored by an employee, contractor
+   or affiliate of a national government. As such, the Government
+   retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to publish or reproduce
+   this article, or to allow others to do so, for Government purposes
+   only.
+  \fi}
+  \@ifnotempty{#1}{%
+    \if@ACM@anonymous
+      \g@addto@macro\thankses{\thanks{A note}}%
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+   \fi}}
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+    \else
+      \if@ACM@authorversion
+          This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for
+          your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version
+          of Record was published in
+          \if@ACM@journal
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+          \else
+            \emph{\@acmBooktitle}%
+          \fi
+          \ifx\@acmDOI\@empty
+          .
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+%% End of file `acmart.cls'.

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