* Aaron Wolf <wolft...@riseup.net> [2019-10-08 18:46]:
> I don't see enough evidence to support even considering this
> interpretation of John Sullivan. The post included offensive language as
> well. It makes perfect sense for it to have been blocked. Accusations
> like this require far more evidence than this sort of scapegoating
> speculation.

Dear Aaron,

We had and still have GNU Kind Communication Guidelines:

It says there:

> Please don't raise unrelated political issues in GNU Project
> discussions, because they are off-topic. The only political positions
> that the GNU Project endorses are (1) that users should have control
> of their own computing (for instance, through free software) and (2)
> supporting basic human rights in computing. We don't require you as a
> contributor to agree with these two points, but you do need to accept
> that our decisions will be based on them.

The same is valid for any other activity and subject in life. Project
is about free software, it is not about personal views of RMS.

Can we keep personal views apart from GNU.ORG website? Defaming and
harassing statements like that of Ludovic Courtès like
do not have place on GUIX.GNU.ORG

His viewpoint to bring hatred, animosity and enmity in the community
is not welcome, at least not by myself.

It is not welcome by any logical sense.

> This sort of ad hominem from RMS' critics is what defenders of RMS are
> objecting to. It doesn't serve RMS or his causes well to promote such
> nonsense witch-hunt against John.

I am neither RMS critics neither RMS defender. Let us not bring more
hatred by using generalized terms.

The specific issue is that about the free speech.

Is RMS entitled to free speech? Even though that shall not be the
issue in civilized world, it became the issue.

But when people like Ludovic Courtès defames and harrass RMS on
GUIX.GNU.ORG domain, that goes out of limits of the good code of
conduct. And I get upset. And others will get upset too.

I am defending free speech of RMS and Ludovic Courtès who is opposing
some of RMS's views.

Reason for Ludovic Courtès to defame, harass and bring hatred into
Guix and GNU community are following:

- abort() joke
- Emacs Virgin jokes
- and maybe some other

How can that "Undermine over years the GNU core values..." ????!!!

But I am defending free speech of anybody, however, I am against
publishing of such defamatory harassment and accusations of
thoughtcrime on his own domain GNU.org!!

I would ask those people who signed the disgraceful page
https://guix.gnu.org/blog/2019/joint-statement-on-the-gnu-project/ to
tell us something about FACTS that support such statement.

Otherwise each of them is entitled to retract their statements, just
as Stallman did many times when he got more facts about some subject.


P.S. Please join and submit your name to oppose publishing of
baseless, fact-less, defaming and harassing statements on GNU.ORG
website, read:

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