?Thank you Victoria, Rafael and Charlie.

The presentation from Sergio Y Lara (Uruguay) on gvSIG Batovi is an excellent 
example of a successful initiative in Open Principles in Education and helps us 
to understand why scalability and costs for scaling is fundamental . Through 
their focus on Open Principles in Education they have now provided high quality 
spatial education to students in all schools across Uruguay . Thanks to the 
Plan Ceibal they also have free laptops for all Primary and Secondary students 
in the country so they truly have the opportunity to reach every student no 
matter they are rich or poor with high quality teaching and learning tools.

                            (Video with English translation)

The presentation from Victor Sunday  (Unique Mappers Team) shares the work on  
youth and women empowerment that they are doing in Africa . Their contributions 
to quality education, climate action is inspiring. GeoForAll is working closely 
with YouthMappers and other partners worldwide to help provide geoeducation 
opportunities for all students.

The presentation from Cameron Green (University of Pretoria, South Africa) 
highlighted the importance of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) and the 
fundamental link of SDI to all 17 UN SDGs. Many developing countries lack 
Spatial Data infrastructures which is key for evaluating and monitoring SDG 
progress.  He showed GeoNode http://geonode.org     an open source Content 
Management System for GIS. There are many examples of Geonode implementations 
for example the World Food Program https://geonode.wfp.org that might be of 
wider interest.

I want to thank all speakers for sharing their experiences and ideas.

As our next step, we to want learn from successful initiatives like gvSIG 
Batovi, GIS at School etc to scale our teacher training programs for schools  
to provide geoeducation and STEM education opportunities to millions of 
students globally and welcome ideas. Spatial Education is key for tackling 
Climate Change. One of our GeoForAll labs established at the UNEP/GRID-Warsaw 
Centre in Poland<https://www.gridw.pl/en/opensourcegeolab> has been doing 
pioneering work on Environmental Management , Active Education over many years. 
Details at https://www.gridw.pl/en/opensourcegeolab

One of the inspiring work that they are involved is the GIS at School  

btw it is nearly 25 years  (in 1994)  since I first came across the amazing 
"geo world" by pure chance. I was able to learn GIS thanks to the help from 
many kind people who I will always be grateful for their kindness to me.   So 
it is now my duty to help open the doors of geoeducation and geodigital economy 
opportunities to everyone. Details at 

I am grateful to everyone working to make geoeducation and digital economy 
opportunities available for everyone.

Best wishes,

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