Re: [gzlug] Re: Do any members speak english?

2014-03-29 文章 haosdent
Welcome to GZLUG! On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 12:10 AM, Joey Chan wrote: Hi ! This is Joey who work with Ubuntu Global Community, as Core App Contributor. I can speak English to any foreigners who speak English as their first language. Of course I am living in GZ, nice to

Re: [gzlug] Re: Do any members speak english?

2014-03-29 文章 Dubiancat
Well,here suddenly appeared two foreigners. Anyway, you are welcomed to join GZLUG! (楼上的显然是Chinglish) haosdent haosd...@gmail.com写道: Welcome to GZLUG! On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 12:10 AM, Joey Chan wrote: Hi ! This is Joey who work with Ubuntu Global Community, as Core App

答复: [gzlug] Re: Do any members speak english?

2014-03-29 文章 蛋汤饭
hahahahaha! hao huan le. 发自我的 Windows Phone -- 发件人: haosdent 发送时间: ‎2014/‎3/‎29 22:26 收件人: 主题: Re: [gzlug] Re: Do any members speak english? Don't black me. Sorry (๑´ω`๑) 2014-3-29 下午10:24于 haosdent haosd...@gmail.com写道:

回覆: RE: [gzlug] 好久都沒有組織活動

2014-03-29 文章 xmanofthefuture
Wow. 難道的週末,因為下雨全部計劃都泡湯了++ 大家出來工作了,都是從事linux的相關工作嗎? 不知道大家的薪酬如何? (如果我問錯了,請不要噴我) 謝謝! 感覺還是讀書的時代好,週末可以到處去,離開校園后,感覺就像部機器,沒沒日沒夜的不停工作. 从我的 Blackberry® 无线手持设备发送 -Original Message- From: DubianCat Sender: Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 02:32:58 To:

RE: 回覆: RE: [gzlug] 好久都沒有組織活動

2014-03-29 文章 DubianCat
表示还是在校学生,虽然xmanofthefuture先生羡慕读书时代,但我也要说,我非常羡慕出来工作的人。 经济不独立则人格不独立,我要买什么东西都要看爸妈的脸色,就连一部NOKIA X我妈都不让买。 真是应了钱钟书的话里面的人想出去,外面的人想进来。 2014-3-30 上午10:58于 xmanofthefut...@yahoo.commailto:xmanofthefut...@yahoo.com写道: Wow. �y道的�L末,因�橄掠耆�部都泡��了++