What does that person mean,, we don't have Fancy Dress Balls anymore? Where
do they live?
-Original Message-
From: h-costume-boun...@indra.com [mailto:h-costume-boun...@indra.com] On
Behalf Of Claire Clarke
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 10:00 PM
To: h-costume@mail.indra.com
M bacon!
-Original Message-
From: Claire Clarke
To: h-costume@mail.indra.com
Sent: Sat, Feb 12, 2011 1:00 am
Subject: [h-cost] I guess this counts as a historical costume
And, hey, he won first prize!
And, hey, he won first prize!
h-costume mailing list
Thank you Charlene. I have Netflix streaming. The queen's costume is the
one that is in that documentary.
Penny Ladnier, owner
The Costume Gallery Websites
14 websites of fashion, costume, and textile history
One interesting tidbit from the show was when the new queen went for a
fitting and discovered how much hardware she had to wear to carry the
weight of the fabric. It was a quite interesting documentary.
On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 12:27 PM, Charlene Charette
> It's "The Order of M
It's "The Order of Myths" and is available via Netflix streaming.
On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 11:42 PM, wrote:
> Thank you Charlene. What was the name of the show?
> Penny Ladnier, owner
> The Cos
.As everyone knows shopping is the most interesting pastime in the world.
http://www.braingene.net/2011.php?page=6687 .
8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time
with the Yahoo! Search movie showtime shortcu
In our experience, this definition feels closest: Robes are "a long, loose or
flowing gown or outer garment worn by men or women as ceremonial dress, an
official vestment, or garb of office." "Robes" in the context of your photos,
and modern Mardi Gras, is sort of a generic term for a complete