Laura Dickerson wrote:

There was a blazing fire in the great hall fireplace, but unless one was standing quite near the fire, it didn't seem to help much. Dark and damp and chilly, although it was at least out of the wind. All those layers of woolen clothes seemed like a good idea.

Stone has a really high thermal mass, and you'd have to have a fire going for more than 24 hours, I think.

I base this guess on my experience with my house -- it's a single-floor house heated by hot water piping in the concrete slab foundation. To warm the house by two degrees F, it takes about four hours of hot water in the slab.

On the plus side, it takes about as long to *cool* two degrees.

Cynthia Virtue and/or Cynthia du Pre Argent

Cranach's Venus with a machine gun: Vengeful Venus Day t-shirt & etc. at my CafePress store:
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