Re: [h2] push the insert speed to max

2024-01-14 Thread Andreas Reichel
This seems to be a useful and interesting link: I suggest you take it up and add MVStore and/or NitroCache to it for establishing a benchmark. When you find MVStore competitive (enough) and find the achievable speed matches your need

Re: [h2] push the insert speed to max

2024-01-14 Thread Andreas Reichel
Greetings! How about by-passing JDBC/H2 and pushing the data into the MV Store directly? This way you eliminate any possible bottleneck. Next was to compare MV Store performance vs. other implementation (e .g. EHCache). Next next was comparing against Postgres LOAD and or DuckDB read from Parquet

Re: [h2] push the insert speed to max

2024-01-14 Thread
1) Ensure that all Indexes and constraints are turned off yes, faster 2) Reduce the commit size. As far as I can see you create one very large commit over all records. Instead, commit as per 1k or 4k records or so. i tried 1k and 10k per commit, not much different, sometimes 1k is slower than