Hi all,

I would like to know if the precision specified for a table column's
type (as in e.g. "FOO VARCHAR(42)") has an impact on the size of the
database. Is the database file larger if I leave out any such
constraints (provided that the data is the same as in a database with
constraints)? Also is there a notable impact on performance when these
constraints are specified?

Background: In our application using H2 the various String data values
are typically of about the same size, but without a definite upper
bound. But in rare situations the String values are much longer. This
is typically due to bugs outside of the control of the H2 application.
So I am thinking if it would make sense to remove the constraints on
these columns and instead implement a corresponding check in Java
which logs an error before inserting the value. Alternatively I would
leave the constraints in, log an error and insert a truncated value.

Thank you for any advice,

Knut Wannheden

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