On Mon, Mar 15, 2021 at 05:46:32PM +0100, Maarten van Gompel wrote:
> Hi,
> We have done some considerable work on svkbd in the scope of the sxmo
> project and would like to again merge these changes upstream to
> suckless, like before. Before I inundate your mailing list with a series
> of 22 patches (after I already did some commit squashing), I'd first
> like to get your opinion on the best way to proceed.
> The tree I'd like to merge is the following (mergerequest0.3.0 branch):
> https://git.sr.ht/~proycon/svkbd/log/mergerequest0.3.0
> This 0.3.0 release implements various user interface and usability
> improvements:
>  * Press-on-release functionality has been implemented and set as the
>    default. This makes svkbd more robust against misclicks.
>  * The colour scheme has been expanded and updated; overlays,
>    highlights and pressed buttons are more clearly distinguished.
>  * XResources support has been added to make the colour schemes
>    and fonts more easily configurable.
>  * Secondary labels have been added (for the shift version), and have
>    their own colour scheme.
>  * The grid lines have been removed
>  * The mobile-intl layout (the default) gets an extra row for numbers
>    (closer to a full keyboard) and some of the layout has been changed.
>  * A mobile-simple layout has been added that offers a more minimalistic
>    layout comparable to android and iOS. Good for tiny devices.
>  * Svkbd can optionally output keypresses to standard output, and X11
>    simulation can be disabled.
>  * Various bugfixes and improvements
> A screenshot of how it looks now (on a pinephone):
> https://download.anaproy.nl/svkbd5.png
> Or from another sxmo user who modded things a bit:
> https://saba.sdf.org/screenshots/screenshot_20210314_ff63.png
> Some considerations that are possibly relevant for the merge: I realize
> there are some things like xresources support that you guys typically
> put in opt-in patches. Of course that is an option though it would
> complicate the packaging a bit. From our view we prefer if it could
> make it into the main tree as-is. Relying solely on editing config.h can be a
> bit too rigid when dealing with mobile devices (cross-compiling vs
> on-device build dependencies etc).
> We're of course committed to keeping svkbd simple and lightweight, the new
> standard output feature helps to facilitate that: In true unix
> philosophy style, it allows us to pipe the output of the keyboard to
> another tool (https://git.sr.ht/~proycon/clickclack) that will provide
> audio feedback and haptic feedback, preventing unnecessary bloat in
> svkbd itself. Something similar can be envisioned for autocomplete or
> spelling correction in the future; as independent components from svkbd.
> What do you think? What's the best way to proceed? Want me to submit the
> patch series here or do you prefer to grab them?


Thanks for the work.

I've reviewed the patches. In general it looks good, but I've found a few
issues. Can you resend them to the mailinglist, then me (and possibly others
too of course) can respond inline which is the way we like to manage and review


> Kind Regards,
> --
> Maarten van Gompel
> proy...@anaproy.nl
> https://proycon.anaproy.nl
> https://github.com/proycon
> GnuPG key:  0x39FE11201A31555C
> XMPP:       proy...@anaproy.nl       Matrix: @proycon:matrix.anaproy.nl
> Telegram:   proycon                  IRC: proycon (freenode)
> Mastodon:   https://social.anaproy.nl/@proycon   (@proy...@social.anaproy.nl)
> Twitter:    https://twitter.com/proycon

Kind regards,

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