
Call for radical technology collectives / activist sysadmins to document best 
practices and talk about interoperability, visibility, education, etc.  Please 
forward to who it may concern!  Thanks and hopefully we get a translation soon.

HTML: http://research.metatron.sh/tech/policy-workshop/

Text version:

## Practical Details

 * **Audience**: system administration knowledge is required
 * **Time**: April 3rd (Wednesday), 19:00 until late
 * **Place**: [La Otra Carboneria], Al carrer Urgell nº 30, cantonada amb 
Floridablanca, <M> Urgell L2
 * **Brought to you by**: [HackTheNight]

# Documentation hackathon on the Providers’ Commitment for Privacy (PCP)

Policy Website → https://policy.sarava.org/

## About The Policy

Providers’ Commitment for Privacy, or The Policy for short, is a set of 
security configuration requirements for activist servers.  It covers some of 
the most common aspects of operating systems and services, like Storage, Logs, 
Backups, Mail, etc. For each aspect it defines three levels of commitment: 
Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.  It is written in a more or less technologically 
agnostic language.  We encourage its adoption by radical technology collectives 
for a number of reasons:


:    Through adopting and developing the policy, radical system administrators 
can learn from each other.  New collectives can more easily develop their 
technologies to the level of established political providers.  Working on The 
Policy motivates system adminstrators to improve their services and get to new 

Awareness raising

:    If providers publish their compliance levels on their websites, users can 
see the difference between political providers and commercial providers more 
clearly. They can become aware of issues and appreciate the efforts of system 
administrators more.  Finally, users can make more informed decisions about 
which providers to rely on for a particular operation.


:    Through using and debating the policy, radical technology collectives can 
achieve a level of consistency in the configuration of the services they offer. 
 This enables more effective networking and solidarity between providers.  This 
process can lead to the realisation of mistakes in the configuration or 
improvements to services.

Ironically, The Policy could become similar to a Quality Assurance system like 
ISO 9000, except that it would never become a Quality Control system, since the 
level of compliance is self-declared and there is no external audition.  Users 
should trust the declared compliance level of their service providers to the 
same degree they trust the service these groups are providing.  There is no 
technical replacement for trust.

The Policy Text → https://policy.sarava.org/policy/

## About the Best Practices

The Policy is supplemented by another document called Best Practices.  While 
the policy itself is written in a more or less technologically neutral 
langauge, the Best Practices describes how to implement the necessary 
configuration for each aspect and level on particular systems and environments. 
 For example when The Policy requires to strip user IP addresses from outgoing 
mails, the Best Practices should show how to achieve this on a `FreeBSD` 
operating system running the `exim4` mail transfer agent.

Best Practices document → https://policy.sarava.org/best_practices/

## Workshop Goals

The focus of the workshop is not to improve The Policy as such. The primary 
mission is to improve the documentation in the Best Practices document.  The 
secondary mission is to promote the policy and its adoption in various ways.

 * Imrove the Best Practices document about how to implement The Policy on 
various concrete technical environments (programs, operating sytems, etc.).
 * Work on the adoption of the policy by various radical technology collectives.
 * Translate The Policy to Spanish, Català, Euskara, etc.
 * Graphics design and promotion materials for improving the presentation of 
the policy.
The Policy website is implemented in [Ikiwiki], so many people can work on it 
at the same time and commit their changes through [Git], or edit the website as 
a wiki.

[Policy Website]: https://policy.sarava.org/

[La Otra Carboneria]: http://laotracarboneria.net/

[Best Practices document]: https://policy.sarava.org/best_practices/

[The Policy Text]: https://policy.sarava.org/policy/

[Ikiwiki]: http://ikiwiki.info/

[Git]: http://git-scm.com/

[HackTheNight]: https://htn.laotracarboneria.net/

maxigas, kiberpunk


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