This Monday, at 18:30, Haifa Linux CLub will once again gather to hear
Ohad Lutzky talk about

                         WiFi (802.11) in GNU/Linux


- An introduction to how WiFi is used in GNU/Linux (distro-independant,
but with linux-wireless-utils, so not relevant BSD or Mac) - tools like
iwconfig, iwlist, along with some information about the availability of
wireless NIC modules - especially the ipw2200, which is included in
all/most new Centrino laptops

- User-friendliness in these utilities - a summary of the problems with
using the commandline for this (tedious and daunting for new users, not
automated), a survey of current available solutions (UIs like netapplet,
wifi_radar and my own netdlg, along with automated solutions such as
hotplug, ifplugd, waproamd), pros and cons to each and what basically
needs to be done to improve them.

Slides will hopefully be available in time for the lecture, or the
lecturer will find himself doing a live demo :)

We meet in Taub building, room 3. For instructions see:

Attendance is free, and you are all invited!

Please note the change of schedule - the next lecture will also be a
regular Haifux lecture.

Future lectures include:

139     Ruby on Rails                   Boaz Goldstein  16/01/2006
139 SiL kernel, modules, drivers        Eli Billauer    23/01/2006
140     Side Channel Attacks            Orr Dunkelman   30/01/2006
140 SiL Compiling the Linux Kernel      Eli Billauer    06/02/2006
141     Linux on Laptop                 Alon Altman     13/02/2006
142     udev                            Parmahansa Polo 27/02/2006
143     nothing like the SAN            Guy Keren       13/3/2006

We are always looking for new lecturers and topics, and have already
started scheduling the 2006 season. Got somthing interesting you wish to
talk about? Got something new you want to learn, and need the drive of a
lecture to make you learn it? Talk to us.

Orna Agmon
ICQ: 348759096

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