On Tue, 6 Dec 2005, Alon Altman wrote:
I think I covered enough about permissions in the basic admin lecture. We
can schedule a permissions lecture in the next free SiL slot after the linux

You talked about it quite briefly, sometimes used your hands to explain and you marked extremely small characters from the screen itself (you probably haven't seen it - but the blue-yellow mixture with tiny fonts weren't so clear, even when I sat quite close to you). It was not really enough even as a side note, and I see it as an important part. Read: I don't say that it was bad, but I just say that it was not good enough.

On the other hand, all kinds of kernel issues can be in a SiL lecture, and more useful tips and more basic and even a bit advanced use a Linux system should be given, mixing it maybe with a small teaser(?) regarding Linux drivers. I don't believe that after a w2l lecture they will go to solve even the tiniest driver problems, including loading, etc. It loses the original taste of welcome to linux (welcome to messing with drivers?). That they'd probably love to do after they decided to stay with Linux, hence Staying in Linux :-) Instead, give them more tools as a power user, or mix common tips from both lectures.

When I say "give" - this is only a suggestion. If you really insist on it after all, go for the kernel lecture.


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