2009/6/17 Lisi :
> On Wednesday 17 June 2009 22:28:10 trotter wrote:
>> I have not heard it anywhere else though and was wondering if anyone else
>> had come across it?
> I heard it too, and I have heard it elsewhere. So all our radios will need to
> be junked, including car radios. And that is
At 06:51 18/06/2009, you wrote:
>IIRC Germany are binning DAB due to poor uptake and quality. That
>said, most of the cars I've hired in Germany have had DAB radios in them.
Yes they are going to use DAB + instead.
Apparently only the uk and finland? (or some other country near
there) are usin
2009/6/18 Vic :
>> You can get DIY circular saws with built in soft start [1] but not stand
>> alone starters for older tools. After lining up the saw guide on the
>> workpiece I want to slot the saw into the guide, then switch on without
>> it jolting out of alignment. It might be time to brea
> You can get DIY circular saws with built in soft start [1] but not stand
> alone starters for older tools. After lining up the saw guide on the
> workpiece I want to slot the saw into the guide, then switch on without
> it jolting out of alignment. It might be time to break out the
> soldering
What has big teeth, kicks like a mule, spins at 5000 rpm and is hand
You can get DIY circular saws with built in soft start [1] but not stand
alone starters for older tools. After lining up the saw guide on the
workpiece I want to slot the saw into the guide, then switch on without
it jol
> Not very impressed with the 50p tax on phone lines though
It's not 50p it's SIX POUNDS.
Don't fall for the Sky TV and phone company trick of quoting prices for
shorter periods. Why not "less than 2p a day". All other taxes are quoted
per annum so why should this one be an exception.
And r