Free Download – Damian’s Social Networking Rule Book

Social networking without the need for time travel… A free, public domain ebook.

I am Damian Brasher, an IT engineer. I use social networking software for work 
and leisure and have been doing so for several years.

At first I often felt uncomfortable when using social networking software. It 
has taken me years to feel confident, be in control and know that I am not 
making mistakes, or at least recognise problems and remedy them. Accidental 
posting of an update that, on second glance, does not make sense or means 
something entirely different from the intended message, is embarrassing and can 
cause time consuming misunderstandings.

I developed a set of rules to help me create updates, which save me time, 
harness the beneficial power of social networking software and do not cause me 
problems. I have compiled them and present them here in this public domain 
ebook. I have made useful business contacts through the use of social 
networking. Some updates increased downloads of my software and visits to my 
websites. Crucial information has reached me through reading updates. Because 
of these tools, informal negotiation has occurred spontaneously and saved me 

I’m not trying to be the most connected person, I like connecting with people 
at my own pace. We all have time to attract followers. I prefer to use a 
targeted approach to build a strong and meaningful network. Social networking 
is fun and incredibly useful. I hope readers find my rules useful. If you only 
like or only need a few, then the ebook has done its job. 

Download here




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