Hi Roger,
Sounds very familiar indeed. Unfortunately, I won't necessarily be able
to sit down and help necessarily given that I have a day job (in IT
consultancy) that's currently demanding a lot of hours out of me along
with a second business I run!
Can I just confirm that it's Windows 7 t
Good evening everybody,
I'm pleased to announce that the AGM will be held in the Mucky Duck in
Winchester at 7:30pm on the 31st August.
I hope to see lots of you there. Don't forget to register!
Tim B.
> Hello everybody,
> Sparked by the imminent renewal of the HantsLUG domain name, the commi
Sorry to pollute the list with a request for windows help but it is a
bit exceptional and somebody may have the experience to nail it.
I wrote a programme years ago which is still being used and has survived
upgrades from win2k upwards to win7. The programme uses a mapped network
drive to shar