[HanoiLUG] The Open World Forum delivers the first ever 2020 FLOSS roadmap

2008-12-11 Hội thoại David Tremblay
IT analyst mob: 418-208-3631 jabber: ict4ngo skype : ict4ngo Blog : http://blog.ngowiki.net -- section suivante -- Une pi?ce jointe HTML a ?t? nettoy?e... URL: http://lists.hanoilug.org/pipermail/hanoilug/attachments/20081211/c68fc8f1/attachment.htm

[HanoiLUG] Lịch trình chính thức của FOSS-HUS 2008

2008-12-11 Hội thoại Huan Truong
://lists.hanoilug.org/ HanoiLUG wiki: http://wiki.hanoilug.org/ HanoiLUG blog: http://blog.hanoilug.org/ -- Huan Truong -- next part -- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://lists.hanoilug.org/pipermail/hanoilug/attachments/20081211/1b49f8bc/attachment.htm