[UTF-8] Jean Christophe André writes:

> Jean Christophe André écrivait :
>> Now the lists *usage* should change accordingly, as follow:
>> - the original <hanoilug@lists.hanoilug.org> mailing-list won't change 
>> (we won't touch any subscription) except that it will now become a 
>> national language (= Vietnamese) only mailing-list;
>> - <hanoilug-engl...@lists.hanoilug.org> is an English language only 
>> mailing-list;
>> - <hanoilug-fre...@lists.hanoilug.org> is an French language only 
>> mailing-list;
>> - cross-posting (eg: to announce some event) to multiple language 
>> dedicated mailing-lists is allowed as long as the message contains *all* 
>> the corresponding translations;
>> - any message received on one list in the “wrongâ€&#65533; language (eg: 
>> in 
>> English or French on the old “hanoilugâ€&#65533; list) shall be *politely* 
>> redirected to the right mailing-list, through a *private* answer to the 
>> original sender (please, please, please, do not reply on the list!).
Sounds good, like that the Egnlish-speaking people can have
their discussions on the english mailing list, but we need to
make sure that when an important discussion emerges in the
english list, that it is transferred to the main list. 

> Since multiple people have already expressed their concern about changing 
> this mailing-list current rules (which I mostly disagree, but also 
> respect) let's start by *not changing anything about this mailing-list* 
> and see how the others two will evolve.
> So the new rules would be as follow:
> - <hanoilug@lists.hanoilug.org> doesn't change in any way, let's just 
> continue using it the same way as before => there is no "-vietnamese" on 
> it, so it stays “unlocalizedâ€&#65533;;
> - <hanoilug-engl...@lists.hanoilug.org> is for English messages only;
> - <hanoilug-fre...@lists.hanoilug.org> is for French messages only;
> - cross-posting are allowed as long as they respects these conditions;
> - any message received on one list in the “wrongâ€&#65533; language (eg: in 
> Vietnamese on the “hanoilug-englishâ€&#65533; or 
> “hanoilug-frenchâ€&#65533; 
> mailing-lists) shall be *politely* redirected to the right mailing-list, 
> through a *private* answer to the original sender (please, please, please, 
> do not reply on the list!).
> There is 2 other ideas we would like to discuss:
> - N.H.Quang suggested that we could let all posts to "hanoilug-english" be 
> additionnaly re-sent (automatically) to "hanoilug" so that the discussions 
> in English will still be followed by all "hanoilug" subscribers; 
> technically it would as simple as just subscribing the "hanoilug" 
> mailing-list to "hanoilug-english";

we should think about this, because we want to both show
everyone the important things the English speakers come up with
but we don't want to bore everyone with off-topic duscussions :)

> - I also suggest the creation of a low traffic, broadcast only (no 
> discussion, no reply, posts moderated), "hanoilug-announce" mailing-list, 
> exclusively in English (with accompagning translations allowed, of 
> course), which would be very useful for people who want to keep informed 
> about HanoiLUG activities (and only that, no advertisement for other 
> unrelated activities on this list) without participating all the 
> discussions around them.

if we did this then we wouldn't need to subscribe
hanoilug-english to hanoilug i think

> Again, there is no presure in these changes. We are only trying to make it 
> easier and more open to people who don't want to get “spammedâ€&#65533; by 
> messages in some language they can't read (or don't have the time for it).

yeah we should try a few thing to see what works best, but not
let it get too complicated

> Cheers, J.C.

cheers, patrick

> -- 
> Jean Christophe "プログフ" ANDRÉ   — ✧ —   Responsable 
> technique régional
> Bureau Asie–Pacifique (BAP)    — ✧ —   
> http://www.asie-pacifique.auf.org/
> Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AuF)  — ✧ —  
> http://www.auf.org/
> Adresse postale : AUF, 21 Lê Thánh Tông, T.T. Hoà n Kiếm, Hà Nội, 
> Việt Nam
> Tél. : +84 4 9331108  ✦  Fax : +84 4 8247383  ✦  Cellul. : +84 91 
> 3248747
> ⎧ Note personnelle: merci d'éviter de m'envoyer des fichiers PowerPoint 
> ⎫
> ⎩ ou Word, cf http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.fr.html 
> ⎭

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