Yocto Project (below) should be fine for ones would like to build their
own embedded linux systems.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Linux Foundation" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 6:03:02 PM
Subject: [Lf-announce] Linux Foundation Monthly Newsletter: November 2010

In this month's Linux Foundation newsletter:

* Linux Foundation and Consumer Electronics Linux Forum Merge
* New Embedded Linux Workgroup Announced: The Yocto Project
* China Mobile Joins Linux Foundation as Gold Member
* Linux Foundation Releases Free Self-Assessment Checklist as Part of
Open Compliance Program
* VIDEO: Linus Torvalds Chooses Diving with Sea Life Over Giving Keynote
* The Linux Foundation in the News
* Upcoming Training Opportunities

==> Linux Foundation and Consumer Electronics Linux Forum Merge <==

The Linux Foundation and Consumer Electronics Linux Forum (CELF) have
merged organizations, resulting in the CE Linux Forum becoming a
technical workgroup at The Linux Foundation.

Organized to promote the use of Linux in digital CE products, CELF was
established in 2003 by eight major consumer electronics companies:
Panasonic Corporation (Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.), Sony
Corporation, Hitachi, Ltd., NEC Corporation, Royal Philips
Electronics, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Sharp Corporation, and

The use of Linux in embedded products has skyrocketed in recent years,
with Linux now being used in consumer electronic devices of all kinds.
By combining resources, The Linux Foundation and CELF can more
efficiently enable the adoption of Linux in the Consumer Electronics
(CE) industry.  Given the broad overlap in members between The Linux
Foundation and CELF, the similarity in the goals of both
organizations, and the large increase of embedded participants coming
to Linux in recent years, this aligning of resources will strengthen
each organization and ultimately help the organizations’ members
achieve their missions: growing the embedded Linux market.

For more information on this news, check out Jim Zemlin's blog post:

==>  New Embedded Linux Workgroup Announced: The Yocto Project <==

The Linux Foundation in October announced it is expanding its
technical work in the embedded space with the continuation of existing
CELF work as well as the formation of another new workgroup focused on
the embedded space, the Yocto Project.

The Yocto Project provides open source, high quality tools to help
companies make custom Linux-based systems for embedded products,
regardless of hardware architecture. The open source Yocto Project
brings together the elements needed to make the normally difficult
embedded Linux development process easier. The Yocto Project is
launching its version 0.9 with initial versions of common build tools.
Participation in the workgroup is completely open – anyone can join
the development effort. The Linux Foundation invites contributors and
encourages developers and others to participate at the project website

==> China Mobile Joins Linux Foundation as Gold Member  <==

China Mobile Communications Corporation (”China Mobile”), whose
holding company is majority shareholder of China Mobile Ltd. (NYSE:
CHL), has become a Gold member of The Linux Foundation.

China Mobile is the world’s largest telecom operator by market value.
It also ranks as the largest carrier in the world in terms of customer
base and the scale of its network, through which it provides mobile
services including voice data, IP telephony and multimedia. China
Mobile has recently been investing in Linux, in its OPhone mobile
operating system, and has developed a cloud computing system based on
open source software. Its membership in The Linux Foundation shows its
further commitment to the Linux platform.

For more information, please visit:

==> Linux Foundation Releases Free Self-Assessment Checklist as Part
of Open Compliance Program <==

A key element of the Open Compliance Program (announced LinuxCon
earlier this year) is the Self-Assessment Checklist. The Checklist is
now avaialble and free to download at:

The tool is an extensive checklist of compliance practices found in
industry-leading compliance programs. Companies can use this checklist
as a confidential internal tool to assess their progress in
implementing a rigorous compliance process and to help them prioritize
their process improvement efforts. It helps to answer questions such
as: “What’s important?” “What should I focus on and where do I start?”
“What are best-in-class companies doing that I ought to be doing, too,
and what can I learn from them?”

For more information on the Checklist, please visit Phil Koltun's

==> VIDEO: Linus Torvalds Chooses Diving with Sea Life Over Giving Keynote <==

"If I don't come back, go on without me" were the famous last words
from Linux creator Linus Torvalds before he took the plunge into the
Giant Ocean Tank at the Linux Plumbers Conference earlier this month.
Linus has a reputation for doing things "just for fun," and the now
infamous dive takes that to a whole new level and also represents his
disdain for keynotes. See why and hear his final words before jumping
in the tank in this video with full footage of the event:

==> The Linux Foundation in the News <==

Chasing Pirates: Inside Microsoft's War Room
The New York Times

China Mobile Joins Linux Foundation
The Wall Street Journal

China Mobile Joins Linux Foundation (And Why Developers Should Care)

Is Your Business Compliant with Open Source Licenses?

Linux Chief: China Mobile Nod a Major Driver
Wireless Week

==> Upcoming Training Opportunities from The Linux Foundation <==

Webinar: A New Approach to Open Compliance
Speakers: Linux Foundation Executive Director Jim Zemlin and Black
Duck CEO Tim Yeaton
November 30, 2010
8:30 a.m. PT/11:30 a.m. ET
To register:

Linux Kernel Internal and Debugging
December 13-17, 2010

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