Một định dạng mở tương tự XPS của MS

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Bắt đầu tin nhắn đã chuyển tiếp:

> Từ: IESG Secretary <iesg-secret...@ietf.org>
> Ngày: 18 mai 2011 15:58:03 HAEC
> Đến: IETF Announcement list <ietf-annou...@ietf.org>
> Chủ đề: Approval of application/oxps Registration

> The IESG has approved a request to register the "application/oxps."
> The IESG contact person is Pete Resnick.
> Type name: application
> Subtype name: oxps
> Required parameters: N/A
> Optional parameters: N/A
> Encoding considerations: binary
> Security considerations:
> OpenXPS uses ZIP compression as specified in .ZIP File Format Specification 
> from PKWARE, Inc., version 6.2.0 (2004). ZIP compressed XML requires parsing 
> untrusted XML data and untrusted ZIP data. The consumer is responsible for 
> validating the .zip archive, the XML structure, and the resource content. 
> Per spec, there should be no active content provided as part of the OpenXPS 
> format. The consumer must ensure that no malicious active content is 
> erroneously 
> provided in the OpenXPS document. Valid content is described in the EMCA-388 
> specification 
> (http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-388.htm). 
> Especially take note of section E.3, which describes steps that can be 
> taken to validate the contents of the payload.
> Interoperability considerations:
> application/oxps documents are specified by the XML schemas standardized in 
> ECMA-388.
> Applications and drivers currently producing/consuming Microsoft XPS 
> content cannot directly produce/consume OpenXPS. Changes are required 
> to address differences in the two specifications, such as namespace, 
> print ticket usage, use of JPEG XR, etc.
> To ensure interoperability, the clipboard format must be a complete OpenXPS 
> file with .oxps extension.
> Published specification:
> The published standard ECMA-388 is available at:
> http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-388.htm
> Applications that use this media type:
> The application/oxps MIME type can be used to identify CSTA XML
> (ECMA-388) instance documents. No published applications or print 
> drivers currently use OpenXPS. The intent is for any application 
> or driver that can currently produce/consume Microsoft XPS to 
> also adopt OpenXPS. Examples of such applications would include 
> but are not limited to: Microsoft XPS Viewer, Microsoft XPS 
> Document Writer, Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.
> Additional information:
> Magic number(s): ZIP archive CRC-32: 504b 0304 per 
> http://www.pkware.com/documents/APPNOTE/APPNOTE-6.2.0.txt. Note that 
> is it a requirement of the consumer to ensure that the contents of 
> the ZIP archive is a valid OpenXPS structure.
> File extension(s): .oxps
> Macintosh file type code(s): not available
> Windows Clipboard Name: "OpenXPS"
> Macintosh Uniform Type Identifier: org.ecma.oxps conforms to 
> com.pkware.zip-archive
> Person& email address to contact for further information:
> Ecma International Helpdesk
> Rue du Rhone 114
> CH-1204 Geneva
> Switzerland
> Ecma International Helpdesk<helpd...@ecma-international.org>
> Intended usage: COMMON
> Restrictions on usage: N/A
> Author: The ECMA-388 Standard is developed and maintained by the Ecma 
> Technical Committee TC46.
> Change controller: The ECMA-388 Standard is developed and maintained by the 
> Ecma Technical Committee TC46.
> _______________________________________________
> IETF-Announce mailing list
> ietf-annou...@ietf.org
> https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/ietf-announce
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