Since the release of 2.7.0, I changed the repository I build to 2.7 instead of master.  I was noticing that some of the links in the table at the top of are http instead of https.

All the links under Branch plus the git, web, and bugs links under Links are http.

Those webservers do https, so if I were creating the website, I would make all the links https.  My haproxy configs include this config to redirect anything that comes in unencrypted on port 80:

frontend web80
        description Redirect to https
        bind name web80
        redirect scheme https
        default_backend be-deny

That frontend actually blocks a lot of bots ... when some of them get the 302 response, they don't go any further.  I see a bunch of requests hitting port 80 with no followup https request.

There may be some reason the links are http, so this is just a heads up, not a demand for change.  Looking through the html, there are also a number of other http links.


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