I hope this is the right place to report a bug.

With the rule
   http-request deny if { hdr_cnt(content-length) gt 0 } {
hdr_val(content-length) gt 33554432 } # 32M
in my haproxy.cfg, the following request gets 403 correctly:

    curl -v -H"Content-Length: 33554433"

But this goes through:

    curl -v -H"Content-Length: 3000003554433"

I'm guessing there is an integer overflow going on somewhere. This is on
haproxy 1.5.3.

Full config file used:


    maxconn 40000


    uid 99

    gid 99


    mode http

    timeout connect 5s

    timeout queue 75s

    timeout client 20s

    timeout server 20s

frontend http-test

    bind *:8080

    use_backend backend-test

backend backend-test

    balance leastconn

    http-request deny if { hdr_cnt(content-length) gt 0 } {
hdr_val(content-length) gt 33554432 } # 32M

    stats uri /internal/haproxy-stats

    server localhost localhost:5050

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