
as mentioned previously on the list, Tim Düsterhus, Willy and myself
have been discussing and working on the github issue tracker, setting
up issue templates and labels with the purpose to fully open it for
everyone. We have now reached that goal and consider the issue tracker
ready for everyone to use:


The primary and most important benefit we expect from the issue
tracker is for bugs and feature-requests to not get lost/forgotten in
the stream of other discussion (as Tim put it). It will also make it
easier for everyone to understand the status of a bug, both in terms
of actual development as well as its backport (labels indicated which
branch is still affected).

Reporting issues to the mailing list is still absolutely encouraged,
the issue tracker doesn't change that. Some bugs can be fixed
immediately, not requiring an actual issue to be filed (especially
regarding recent code); other bugs require some discussion (which can
then be referenced in the issue on Github later). Some people may not
want to create a GitHub account for the purpose of reporting a bug -
that is also perfectly fine (we can file it). Reporting issues on the
mailing list is therefor here to stay, but by filing issue on Github
we are finally able to track them.

Issue labels are subject to change as the issue tracker gets more
exposure. I will be implementing (TODO) some basic automation that
reopens issues that - based on the assigned labels - are not supposed
to be closed and a weekly digest send to the mailing list summarizing
how the issue situation on github looks like, based on the assigned

- lukas

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