Hi list,

I have got a complex "routing" problem and I am sure there is a solution with 
haproxy but the ring doesn't bell. The problem in this case is that all users 
of a customer have to work on the same application server (because of the data 
broadcast feature of the java application framework servoy). The login sequence 
looks like follows:

1. The user connects via https to the Java application and logs in.
2. The Java application gets downloaded to the client.
3. The Java application starts at the client side and connects via TCP to a 
dedicated port.

To create a HA setup we tried to add some "backup" servers to every backend but 
we weren't able to find any working solution for those TCP listeners. Here is 
what the configuration looks like:

frontend https-in
        log global
        bind *:80
        bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/test.pem
        reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
        redirect scheme https if !{ ssl_fc }

        acl is_service url_reg /(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.*/xxxxxxxxxxxxx)

        use_backend jnlp-%[url,map_reg(/etc/haproxy/url_reg.map,none)] if 
        use_backend %[url,map_reg(/etc/haproxy/url_reg.map,none)]
        default_backend none

backend none
        log global
        http-request deny

backend app01
        reqrep ^([^\ ]*\ \/)app01[\/]?(.*) \1\2
        reqrep ^xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \1\4
        server app01 xxxxxx-app01-prod:8080 check
        server app02 xxxxxx-app02-prod:8080 check backup
        server app03 xxxxxx-app03-prod:8080 check backup

backend jnlp-app01
        acl intern src xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
        reqrep ^([xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\2 if !intern
        reqrep ^([xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxjnlp\2 if intern
        rsprep ^Content-Type:\ .*$ Content-Type:\ application/x-java-jnlp-file
        server jnlp-app01 xxxxxx-app01-prod:8080 check
        server jnlp-app02 xxxxxx-app02-prod:8080 check backup
        server jnlp-app03 xxxxxx-app03-prod:8080 check backup

backend app02
        reqrep ^([^\ ]*\ \/)app02[\/]?(.*) \1\2
        reqrep ^xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) \1\4
        server app02 xxxxxx-app02-prod:8080 check
        server app01 xxxxxx-app01-prod:8080 check backup
        server app03 xxxxxx-app03-prod:8080 check backup

backend jnlp-app02
        acl intern src xxxxxxxxxx
        reqrep ^xxxxxxxxxx\2 if !intern
        reqrep ^xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2 if intern
        rsprep ^Content-Type:\ .*$ Content-Type:\ application/x-java-jnlp-file
        server jnlp-app02 xxxxxx-app02-prod:8080 check
        server jnlp-app01 xxxxxx-app01-prod:8080 check backup
        server jnlp-app03 xxxxxx-app03-prod:8080 check backup


        log     global
        mode    tcp
        option  tcplog
        timeout connect 10000
        timeout client 150000
        timeout server 150000

listen tcp-inout-app01
        bind *:1091
        server tcp-app01 xxxxxx-app01-prod:1091 check
        server tcp-app02 xxxxxx-app02-prod:1092 check backup
        server tcp-app03 xxxxxx-app03-prod:1093 check backup

listen tcp-inout-app02
        bind *:1092
        server tcp-app02 xxxxxx-app02-prod:1092 check
        server tcp-app01 xxxxxx-app01-prod:1091 check backup
        server tcp-app03 xxxxxx-app03-prod:1093 check backup


So the problem is - after eg. app01 crashed all users get disconnected and 
after those users relogin the will connect to app02 and this application server 
will tell the java application to connect to port 1092. We tried to use 
"on-marked-up shutdown-backup-sessions" but as app02 is no backup on listener 
1092 this does not make any sense. Anyone with a ringing bell?

All the best,

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