
While trying to reproduce Igor's problem, I noticed some strange behavior
in the stats output:

A server has an initial weight of 100, and unix socket, html and csv
outputs match. But when I modify the weight (in this case, I set it again
to 100), then the unix socket shows the correct weight of 100, but csv and
html output shows a weight value of 10000:

$ echo "get weight b1-n/f1"| socat stdio /tmp/haproxy
100 (initial 100)
$ curl -s "http://admin:passw0rd@;csv"; | grep "b1-n,f1"
$ echo "set weight b1-n/f1 100"| socat stdio /tmp/haproxy
$ echo "get weight b1-n/f1"| socat stdio /tmp/haproxy
100 (initial 100)
$ curl -s "http://admin:passw0rd@;csv"; | grep "b1-n,f1"

I understand that the "get weight" command on the unix socket simply uses
sv->uweight (src/dumpstats.c line 1097), while the html/csv output is
using a more complex calculation (src/dumpstats.c line 2303 + line 2388):
 (sv->eweight * px->lbprm.wmult + px->lbprm.wdiv - 1) / px->lbprm.wdiv

It did not look into it any deeper, as that would mean reading code until
I understanding the meaning of those variables :)

Any ideas here?



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