Our current HAProxy configuration relies on acls of the form: acl few_concurrent_requests sc0_conn_cur(http-in) le 5 acl few_avg_connections sc0_conn_rate(http-in) le 5
We use these to analyze the connection rate and concurrent requests of our customers. We would prefer to have multiple HAProxy boxes for redundancy and also have a holistic view of the acls across HAProxy instances, e.g. the concurrent request rate for a customer across all HAProxy stick-table peers, however since stick-table counters are not replicated between nodes this is not possible 1.) Are there plans or interest in adding the ability to share counters across stick-table peers? 2.) How do others deal with this present lack of sharing between nodes, do they run an active passive setup with one HAProxy instance serving all the traffic? Thanks, Jesse P.S. It took us quite a while before we realized that stick-tables did not work the way we thought when using peers, it would be great if the documentation would call this out more prominently.