2016-11-15 Thread Paul B. Walker, Jr.
My radio may be off a khz, but Bjarne measured a carrier around 1576.6, which i suspect was what was AFN... so they may be off frequency a bit. and my 1208 couldve been 1207.. but still.. it was playing the same thing, over and over.. On Tue, Nov 15, 2016 at 10:27 AM, Nick Hall-Patch wrote: > C


2016-11-15 Thread Nick Hall-Patch
Congratulations for getting the DX that we aren't hearing further south Paul. 1350 is an interesting one. There is a Japanese commercial station there that is sometimes heard on the coast. 567 and 594 are heard here in parallel, NHK1, also Japanese. You might find that 729 is also parallel