
It's a busy time of year, so here's the chance to relax with some great radio features over the next few weeks.....

Have you read Mike Vanderkelens '7SD Sunpolishers Club gave cousins a chance to shine' recollection yet?

You'll find it at www.radioheritage.net/story389.asp and we all hope you enjoy it! 7SD is in Tasmania, Australia.

We have another recollection in the works right now...about setting up a a one man band commercial radio station Triple X FM north of Wellington in New Zealand a few years ago.

We're also working on a fascinating series of All American radio stations that introduced the music and culture of the USA to audiences worldwide between 1941 and 1983....the stories of the famous 50,00 watt Class 1A clear channel radio stations and other powerful American stations that became familiar to millions of listeners...keep your eye out for this new regional series illustrated from images held in our collections. Chicago and the eastern Midwest will be first to appear.

Our financial year started on April 1 and it looks like we've raised all but $2,458 of our operating costs since then...and if you feel you could help top up this amount to help us reach our target...we would warmly welcome your continued support as we close 2015 out.

Details are on our website www.radioheritage.net and we sincerely look forward to seeing your name appear in our monthly roll of honor, and perhaps moving you further up the Supporters Roll. We have many options you can choose from to make your gift at this time of year.

Thank you again for making it possible to bring you more radio memories this past year. We have more projects lined up than we have hands on deck for early 2016, so if you want to know more about how you can help us with your time to kickstart some of the projects, we'd love to hear from you.

Warm wishes to our many friends around the world who support us in so many ways....you really do make a difference to keeping the radio memories safe. Thank you.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays
David Ricquish
Radio Heritage Foundation

PS: Please pass this message on to any of your friends you feel might be interested as well.............we'd love them to visit us too!
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