Seems there was a glitch with my email this morning, so resending this item fyi:

PERU - 6173.89, presumed Radio Tawantinsuyu, Cusco, hrd 2/22 1008 tune-in and 
holding up past 1052.  Weak to fair signal 
strength only.  Reception best with narrowest bandwidth and in ECSS-LSB 
with notch deployed to knock out annoying het from Asian station on 
6175.00.  Couple OMs alternating in SS and occasionally presumed QQ.  
Odd programming this morning, no music at all, and at first mistakenly 
thought might be taped replay from sporting event, from night before 
(had a bit of that kind of cadence to the announcements).  But then 
noted many clear, livet/cks in a "doubling-up" kind pattern throughout entire 
program of  " . . . 
las cinco de la manana, las cinco de 
la manana, amigos oyentes.  Adelante!! . . ."  (almost as if the minutes didn't 
matter, hi.)  So, was a live bcst.  Most of the time, only 
fragments of speech were decipherable, such as at 1017, " . . . muy 
buenos dias, Cusco . . . la primera voz . . . de la patria . . ."   
Taped ads were noted at 1024 and 1047, during which hrd different, more 
bassy-voiced man in studio echo effect.   Almost sounded like live feed 
from remote, but at 5:30 a.m. in Cusco that doesn't make too much sense. Not 
sure what this was, but could have been live feed from Ash 
Wednesday morning procession or something else like that.  "Back in the 
day" this would have likely been a peticiones program, with greetings 
being passed to remote family members and friends.   In any event, very 
nice to hear them poking a hole in the ether, been trying to hear them 
ever since I reactivated on SWBC DXing a year ago.  First time heard by me in 
25 years and always a sentimental station, as I visited them at 
Avenida del Sol back in 1976.   Will be diligently patrolling this fqy 
in the mornings now and hoping for better conditions soon.  (Perry, 


Ralph Perry, Wheaton, Illinois
Drake R8B;  Japan Radio NRD-545;  Eton E1;  Hallicrafters SX100;  Knightkit 
Star Roamer
Dentron Super Tuner + Ameco PLF-2 + Palomar P-408 + customized (tropical bands) 
Quantum Phaser antenna unit
Longwires (150' + 100'); Tuned Multi-Turn 20" Small Loop;  Single-Turn Coax 
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