Townsville, North Queensland, Australia


Craig Edwards - 'DX Crocodile Hunter'

October 2004


After three productive "one night stands" during August and September at my 
favourite campsite 50 km north of Townsville I figured it was time for an 
extended stay. So the wife and I headed off and set up the DX HQ tent on Friday 
lunchtime with plans to stay there until Monday morning.


At this later time of the year I decided to camp right on the shore of the 
beach as this would give me a 100 metre buffer from the swamp. After all it is 
the start of the Crocodile mating season - last thing we wanted was a horny 
male croc looking for some action. It was good to move the tent as our normal 
spot is normally covered in fallen leaves and considering that death adders 
love this habitat and they are now out of winter hibernation, I didn't fancy 
coming across any of these critters. My main concern was eastern taipans, I had 
to put the EWEs out in sand dune scrubland which they are rather fond of. They 
are also active daytime hunters and are too just out of hibernation.


Sunset Day 1

On the first day of high school you used to worry with anticipation. Will I be 
able to make friends? Will I get bullied? Will there be any girls who like me? 
Akin to this is the anticipation a DXer feels before session 1 of day 1 of any 
DXpedition - Is this the right spot? What about the noise? What about 
conditions? Does the tape deck work? and MOST OF ALL is the antenna right? 
Especially as I'm persisting/compromising by using the EWE rather than the 
beverage. Well I was pleased with the early appearance of regulars as soon as 
WWV on 2.5MHz started to give some RF, namely the Mexicans on 1570 and 1700 and 
KHPY 1670. Having successfully harvested the higher end of the band the past 
few one nighters in August and September I headed under 1 MHz. This produced 
WWL 870 and some new west coasters for me like KCBS 740, KJRB 790, WBAP 820, 
KGET 970 and KFWB 980. But the huge highlight for me was my first ever Alaskan 
- KICY 850. I've been trying to land Alaska for years and it's been virtually 
impossible from the Coorong or my odd visit to Victoria.


Sunset Day 2

Well low and behold, with KICY putting in a solid signal and even making KOA 
tough to log, up pops my second ever Alaskan - KENI 650. Another couple of new 
west coasters for me like KFMB 760 and KYAA 1200 rarely logged due to WOAI 
being a regular. Managed to add CHMB 1320 which is again rare due to usual 
dominance of KCTC. The amazing reception of a North American on a 9kHz split 
frequency of KLOK 1170 was not only a sign of good conditions, but also a sign 
of the amazing reception to come the following and final evening.


Sunset Day 3

With one night to go I was already satisfied with my haul of new stateside 
stations. So I decided to totally focus of the Australian 9kHz split 
frequencies to see what might pop up. A few frequencies could be ruled out like 
4QN 630 kHz 50kW my local ABC station here in Townsville, 4AT 720 kHz is a semi 
local ABC station which can be heard on a midday band scan, 900 kHz was 
splatterated out by 4TAB 891 kHz also here in Townsville, 4RO 990 kHz which is 
very strong here in the evenings, 1260 4MW just up north in the Torres Strait 
Islands and local 4KZ on 1620 kHz. So this only left 810, 1080, 1170, 1350, 
1440 and 1530 to monitor which was very manageable. Funnily enough 810 was not 
producing any Aussie stations but RRI Merauke of all things at very much 
armchair level! Well I'm delighted and still amazed to report that the 
remaining frequencies all produced stations which at times totally dominated 
the Australians from around 0700-0830 - it was the most enjoyable 1½ hours I 
think I've had apart from the breakthrough European morning at the Coorong in 
1993. I logged KRLD 1080, KFAQ & KLOK 1170, WTOU 1350, unid with FOX on 1440 
and KFBK 1530. Just to top the end of the evening off, there was the rare 
appearance of east coasters WHAM 1180, WQEW 1560 and WTNI 1640 which I logged 
for the first time. Well in 3 nights 21 new North Americans - all in all a top 


580     0753   KJAL Pago Pago, American Samoa. Christian Experience program, a 
regular one this weekend but never very good due NBC PNG splatter on 585 1/10 


650     0925   KENI Anchorage, Alaska. Well after hearing my 1st ever Alaskan 
on the 1st night of the DXpedition, how good is this, my 2nd ever Alaskan on 
the 2nd night. Poor with political newstalk then on half hour "News Radio 650 
KENI" ID 2/10 (CE)


660     0820   KTNN Window Rock, AZ. Fair with Midnight Trucking Network show 
1/10 (CE)


670     0900   KBOI Boise, ID. Good here with KBOI Ids and Road Star news 3/10 


740     0828   KCBS San Francisco, CA. Poor with Dr DJ with talk show and 'all 
news all the time' ID 1/10 (CE)


760     1030   KFMB San Diego, CA.  No sign of usual KGU, "760 KFMB" ID and 
then talk radio 2/10 (CE)


790     0840   KJRB Spokane, WA. Poor with sports talk show and IDs 1/10 (CE)


820     0809   WBAP Fort Worth, TX. Nice fade up with this playing Midnight 
Trucking Network shows then local ID "News Talk 820 WBAP" 1/10 (CE)


830     0933   KHVH Honolulu, Hawaii.  Regular on this channel but never 
strong, ads with 70's pop music and "AM 830 KHVH" ID 2/10 (CE)


850     0855   KOA Denver, CO. Fair here with talk and local Arizona ads and 
ID, then fade up of stn I was very excited about 1/10 (CE)


850     0900   KICY Nome, Alaska. Finally heard this elusive radio country 
after a decade trying for it. Fade up over KOA with EE ID on the hour then into 
Russian news commentary. After so long trying, it was funny to hear this in 
Russian regularly over the 3 nights of the DXpedition 1/10 (CE)


870     0905   WWL New Orleans, LA. Fair with ads and CBS news 1/10 (CE)


970     0913   KGET Bakersfield, CA. Fair on peaks here talk back show and 
heaps of IDS 1/10 (CE)


980     1140   KFWB Los Angeles, CA.  Poor with CNN news & IDs mixing with KDBV 
1/10 (CE)


1080   0755   KRLD Dallas, TX. All over the top of 2MO on peaks with talk back, 
female DJ, CBS news 3/10


1170   0735   KFAQ Tulsa, OK. Amazing propagation at this time with no sign of 
2CH, just KFAQ into talk back with 'Talk Radio 1170 KFAQ Standing Up For What's 
Right' IDs over KLOK in SS 2/10.


1170   0755   KLOK San Jose, CA. Brief fade ups here with ID at 0800 under KFAQ 
2/10 (CE)


1180   0937   WHAM Rochester, NY. Good here over KERI airing preacher. Reading 
from National Science Foundation then ID on hour 3/10 (CE)


1200   0720   KYAA Soquel, CA. Rare to hear this with oldies under usual 
monster signals from WOAI 2/10 (CE)


1320   0940   CHMB Vancouver, BC. Commentary in CC over the top of KTKZ playing 
oldies 2/10 (CE)


1350   0745   WTOU Akron, OH. Fair here mixing with 2LF, talk radio with ID 
then CNN Radio News update 3/10 (CE)


1380   0944   KTKZ Sacramento, CA.  Dominant on the channel here with Morning 
in America over Mexican and another unid talk station 1/10 (CE)


1380   0954   XECO Mexico City, Mexico. Typical great tunes here but dominated 
by KTKZ 1/10 (CE)


1410   0740   XECF Los Mochis, Mexico. Surprisingly good here this afternoon 
over usually dominant CFUN. 1/10 (CE)


1440   0715   ???. Dominant over News Radio Canberra with interview with 
General in Iraq by Fox News 3/10 (CE)


1530   0730   KFBK Sacramento, CA. Good here over cochannel 2VM - amazing!!. 
Talkback show on family issues 3/10 (CE)


1540   0910   KXEL Waterloo, IA. Nice signal mixing with KREA in Korean. Talk 
back show on family issues then ID and ads. 2/10 (CE)


1550   0851   KRPI Ferndale, WA. Interesting signal this - Punjabi morning 
prayers 3/10 (CE)


1560   0836   WQEW New York, NY. Good with Radio Disney, no sign of usual KNZR 
& KTXZ. Rare appearance of an East Coast station (Marti excepted) - exceptional 
evening 3/10 (CE)


1640   0758   WTNI Biloxi, MS. Good hear on peaks with 'Talk Radio 1640 WTNI' 
ID over usually dominant KDIA. 2/10 (CE)


1700   0725 XEPE Tecate, Mexico. First signal to come in each afternoon along 
with XERF 1570 & KHPY 1670. Great Latin tunes with very few announcements 1/10 


(CE) Craig Edwards, Townsville QLD. DXing from the DX Tent at Balgal Beach 
campsite, 50km north of Townsville, Icom R75 running off 12V, pre-amp, EWE to 
North America.


The Crocodile DX Hunter
Craig Edwards 
Townsville, North Queensland, Australia
Icom R75, Drake SPR4 & flock of sheep for antennas (5 EWE's)
PO Box 1075 Oonoonba Qld 4811
Phone 0411 966633 
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