During next transmission of Scandinavian Weekend Radio, Virrat in Finland we 
shall have also our MW-transmitter 1602 kHz on (It's still part of our 
MW-tests). As normally we are on 48 and 25 mb's. All transmitters have power of 
100 watts. Reception reports are most welcome specially comparing signals on 
SW's and MW's.
So transmission will start Friday December 3rd 22 hours UTC and will last 24 
Note, we have quite interesting guests making programme also this time: Rick 
Random with his rock and radiostuff and once again Janne& Sound.... Happy 
listening hours!
22-07 UTC 1602 5980 11720
07-12 UTC 1602 6170 11690
12-18 UTC 1602 5980 11720
18-19 UTC 1602 5990 11720
19-22 UTC 1602 5980 11690
Programmeschhedule (time UTC)  http://www.swradio.net     
22-23 Tricky Trev Show "Hits 2000" a look at some of the hits that made it in 
23-24 Tricky Trev Show "Eurodance" a great selection of eruodance music form 
the year 2000
00-01 Continéntal Night Shift by RadioJack.
01-02 SWR crew
02-03 SWR crew
03-06 Yökyöpeli -NightOwl- by dj Häkä
06-07 Science corner by Esa. Latest news from NASA.
07-08 HÄKÄShowMatkalla -OnTheRoad- Matkailuohjelma osa 2: Madeira
08-09 RarioJaskalla on asiaa.
09-10 Rick Random, rokkia ja radiojuttuja.
10-11 70's hard rock by Peeveli & Sidekick
11-12 Rick Random, rokkia ja radiojuttuja.
12-13Janne & Sound. (Haastettelussa Mortyfear)
13-14 70's hard rock by Peeveli & Sidekick
14-15 Janne & Sound.
15-16 Progressive rock and other strange things by Esa
16-17 SWR crew
17-18 SWR crew
18-19 SWR crew
19-20 Saunaa lämmittäessä by dj Häkä
20-21 SWR crew
21-22 Closing ceremony by dj Häkä

Address of SWR is:
Scandinavian Weekend Radio
P.O.Box 99
Best Regards,
Alpo Heinonen
Scandinavian Weekend Radio

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