** CANADA. 9610, Dec 2 at 1732 a Newfoundland sea chanty, 1732 ID as hour 2 of 
The Link from RCI on various platforms including ``several SW frequencies``. 
This reminds me that the English hours have now shifted to 1604-1804 UT (Glenn 

** CUBA. Checking out RHC colliding on 12040 with PORTUGAL [q.v.], Dec 1 at 
2045 I find that 11760 is // 11730, 15230 and at 2047 program ID in Spanish as 
Sonido Cubano --- therefore, the English broadcast supposed to be on 11760 at 
this hour has got lost in the shuffle again. 11770 was in Arabic. Dec 3 at 1930 
no Portugal, just Habana on 12040. Portugal`s weekday usage depends on silly 
ballgame scheduling, but they should have priority, there first, and properly 
registered (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA [and non]. 9955, checking for WORLD OF RADIO 1541, Thursday Dec 2 at 
2212 on WRMI, nothing audible but wall-of-noise jamming. The only exile 
programming at this hour is on Sundays, per Nov 4 WRMI schedule online, Foro 
Revolucionario at 2130-2230. Tnx a lot, Arnie! Meanwhile the all-day WON 
jamming was off 9965 by this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 15190, R. Africa, Dec 2 at 2217 Tony Alamo with SAH from 
Brasil or slow flutter; frequency also warbles slightly on BFO, equatorial 
Doppler effect. BTW, Alamo`s convixion under the Mann Act has been upheld. Just 
in case Pan American Broadcasting, broker for R. Africa, is unaware of the 
monster they are dealing with, I forwarded this on to them (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

Noticed this mention in today's Arkansas Times news blog.
The post has a link to a pdf file with the Court's Decision.

Also an AP story via KATV Little Rock
(via Fritze H Prentice Jr, KC5KBV, Star City, AR, DXLD)
** GUATEMALA. 4052.5-, R. Verdad poor with music and talk 0558 Dec 3, just 
before sign-off. Also received another packet in the p-mail, including the 
rubberized pennant with golden fringe; unfortunately, some of the letters pull 
off when you unfold it, sticking to other parts of pennant. They really need to 
protect it with a plain piece of non-sticky paper next to it (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** GUYANA. 3290-, I have a very hard time pulling anything readable from GBC, 
but Dec 3 at 0615 I could at least make out some weak talk as the `mutant 
carrier` nearby was missing. 3290 was slightly on the low side compared to 
whatever was on 1290 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NETHERLANDS [non]. 11655, at 1929 Dec 3, RN ID giving four frequencies for 
different regions of Africa; 7425, 9895, 11615 and 11655. The latter had 
sufficient reception in faraway CNAm, abandoned by RN as an intentional target. 
Compared to 11615, and there was no contest, barely audible there. There should 
not be so much difference as 11615 is 250 kW, 330 degrees from South Africa, 
while 11655 is 250 kW, 300 degrees from Madagascar. No need to check the 
others: 9895 Sri Lanka, 7425 Madagascar (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** NIGERIA [and non]. Checking 7350 for possible R. Nigeria, Abuja, which was 
here in October, but a difficult catch apparently due to unfavorable 
direxionality: Dec 3 at 0558 I am hearing a very weak signal past 0600, but 
probably BBC Skelton. I asked James MacDonell in Nigeria to check out the 

``Radio Nigeria Abuja has been missing from 7350 since the very end of
October. I assume the transmitter has broken down again as I can't find them on 
any new frequency. Since the new season started around that time I am now 
hearing the BBC in French from 0600 to 0630 on 7350.

[Later:] I have just done a quick bandscan and discovered (presumed) Radio 
Abuja Nigeria back on their old frequency of 7275. Heard today 03/12/2010 at 
0756 with the Network Service of Radio Nigeria. 0757 the network programme 
finished but there was no ID and transmitter went off the air. I will monitor 

If Nigeria starts 7275 around 0540/0600 as it did 7350, should be uncovered by 
Tunisia when that quits at 0627 like clockwork. Also Iran in Arabic is on 7350 
until 0530 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES [non]. 15350, Dec 2 at 1500 R. Veritas Asia ID, language 
presumed Tagalog a.k.a. Filipino. This is the hour relayed by VATICAN back to 
the Mideast, 250 kW, 130 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PORTUGAL [and non]. 12040 collision continues between RDPI and RHC. Dec 1 at 
2020, RDPI is on the air even tho it`s a weekday, because of a silly ballgame 
qualifying as an `extraordinary emission`. It`s way atop RHC which can be heard 
underneath with music // 11760, and making a SAH of 2.5 Hz. At 2045 also find 
RHC is // 11730 11760 15230, 2047 program ID as Sonido Cubano. Next check at 
2152, still colliding but the SAH is worse as Cuba is stronger, Portugal 
weaker. 2234 now RDPI is off leaving RHC there alone (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 17715, VOA Music Mix, with Victoria Rey/Ray, Friday Dec 3 at 1424, 
extremely strong S9+25, and splattering 17695-17735, much like 17740 does in 
Portuguese at 1700. This has to be Greenville, instead of Botswana, original 
B-10 site during this frequency-hour; permanent or temporary change as backup? 
SSOB, even stronger than Chile 17680, Spain 17595. 

1430 news headlines, and soon into weekly Reporters` Notebook. First segment 
until 1445 was about WikiLeaks, including comments from White House 
correspondent Dan Robinson; he and the hostess and the other reporter all 
suffered from `ya-know` syndrome every few sex --- but that proves it`s 
unscripted. Other reporters and topix started at 1445, 1455; cut off abruptly 
at 1500* without the usual VOA sign-off routine. I had been in search of a good 
frequency for Reporters` Notebook, and this is it, if it keeps from Greenville. 

At 1512 I noticed music with a very poor and fluttery signal was on 17715, 
presumably Botswana still during the second hour. 15120 Nigeria had a similar 
problem at 1514 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 3160+, checking for WPJK SC harmonic before sign-off, Dec 2 at 2200 I 
can detect a JBA carrier slightly on the hi side compared to whatever is on 
1160. But missed monitoring at 2215 whether it cut off around then (Glenn 

** U S A. 1690, Dec 3 at 1408, ``The Talk of Chicago, Voice of the Nation``, 
WVON ID in passing. N used to stand for something else. And I was thinking that 
WGN used the Talk of Chicago slogan, but don`t see it on their website now, 
rather News 720 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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