** ALGERIA [non]. 6060, Dec 22 at 0405, Arabic IDs from RTA and 0406
into Qur`an. Heavy CCI from RHCuba with humbuzz. TDA is scheduled
04-06, southward from FRANCE toward Algerian outback and Sahel in the
protracted absence of registered imaginary SW broadcasts from inside
Algeria. Something`s always wrong at RHC. And how is TDA supposed to
know Cuba is there if not in HFCC? (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98-RCUSB, Dec 22 at 1500, LRA36 is on again this
Wednesday, S5-S6 music, 1502 Base Esperanza ID; off at 1541 check: via
Brasil SDR where I had to camp as two were already tuned for this.
Others report it went off at 1530 or 1532* (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 9700, Dec 22 at 0408, RHC English is here tonight instead of
6165, S9+20 but undermodulated. Something`s always wrong at RHC. See
also ALGERIA [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 15140, Dec 22 at 2000, RHC continues in Spanish, what
happened to English? Something`s always wrong at RHC.  About today
being ``dia del educador`` since 1961, and hyping Cuba as ``territorio
libre --- de analfabetismo``, land free of illiteracy. Is this another
lie? Venezuela also makes that claim --- then why are those the two
least free countries in Latin America?

Then 2004 weather report from Dr. José Rubiera,
including snow in Labrador, -14 in Calgary, also bits of US, Mexico,
Central America and Caribbean predixions. He also appears in English
around :15 past those hours. En seguida: deportes (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** EGYPT. 9899.599, Dec 21 at 2208, R. Cairo, S9+30 into UTwente in
English but very distorted. Something`s always egregious in Egypt
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** MADAGASCAR. 15355, Dec 22 at 1950, S5-S7 in unknown language, seems
a sermon with hymn breaks; 1957 AWR theme briefly, 1959*. Aoki shows
Ibo via Talata at 1930-2000; 15355 resumes at 2030 in French via
Austria (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA. Checking out Part 15 FMs in Enid to go with Xmas Sound
and Light shows, UT Dec 22 from 0017 past 0100, the two regular ones
each year: Singing Xmas Trees, at the NE corner of Oakwood and Oak in
an (ex?) oil field lot: 89.5 MHz, seems only three tunes looping:
Chipmunx, Jingle Bells and I Wanna Hippopotamus for Xmas. Quite short
range; we parked a little too far for full quieting, and it was hard
to make out the ``worm`` along the fence.

In the Pheasant Run barrio, address hard to make out but maybe 5701 on
that street, the usual house and trees with a longer stereo loop
including Mannheim Steamroller and quiet carols alternating, on 94.9
MHz with greater range of a couple blox.

We did not find the third one in another neighborhood, but maybe this
one on 95.1 which made the front page of the Dec 22 Eagle:

``Local light show brightens the holidays
Kat Jeanne | Enid News & Eagle 21 hrs ago lightshowhouse

The Sudlow Family Light Show is on display at 2442 Edgewood Drive in
Enid. (Photo provided)

An Enid family is putting on its fifth annual light show outside of
their home with thousands of programmed lights and music.

The light show is at 2442 Edgewood Drive and runs 5:30-10 p.m. Sunday
through Thursday and 5:30-11 p.m. Friday and Saturday. {CST = UT -6}

“On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, it is pretty packed outside of
our house,” Ryan Sudlow said. “People will just line their cars up and
down the street and stay and watch the program. The whole point of
this is to make sure we have done our part to make people’s
Christmases a little bit brighter.”...

I assume similar things are running all over, but I never see any
other reports of such ``local DX`` (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR)

** TURKEY. 5960, Dec 21 at 2300, VOT is S9+45, English VG into
UTwente. Something`s not erroneous in Emirler today (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2117 monitoring: ``From: Richard
Lemke, St. Albert, Alberta, Canada, From the desk of Richard’s
listening Post, Radio: JRC NRD-535 HF, Antenna: random long wires in
the trees, Dear Glenn: World of Radio  #2117, confirmed, below with
details, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year 2022, Details:

5850 kHz, QRN, QSB fading, 0141, 0148, 0155 (55433), (55434), 0159,
Dec 17 UTC 2021 [Fri]

9955 kHz, 1540, S7 signal howling sounds, 1544, Dec 17 UTC 2021 [Fri]

5950 kHz, jamming, other noise, 0030, 0043, 0058, 0059, Dec 19 UTC
2021 [Sun]

9955 kHz, S7, S8, S9 signal, 2343 half way mark, 2330, 2344 (45433),
2358, Dec 19  UTC 2021 [Sun]

7730 kHz, 0030, S9 signal, 0043, 0058 (45433), 0059, Dec 20 UTC 2021

9955 kHz, QSB fading, 2330, 2359 (45433), 2357, Dec 21 UTC 2021 [Tue]

5850 kHz, QRN, 1032, 1040 (55444), 1059, Dec 22 UTC 2021 [Wed] (Lemke,
Richard -AB)`` 

Confirmed Tuesday December 21 at 2330 on WRMI 9955, good into Maryland
SDR. Chopped off gospel huxter still going at 2330, no ID, and not
Wavescan as scheduled before.

Missed zzz Wed Dec 21 at 1030 on WRMI 5850; but Richard Lemke got it,

Confirmed Wednesday December 22 from 2200:23 on WBCQ 7490 minus 47 Hz
= 7489.953 into Virginia SDR, S9/+10; S9+10/20 direct at 2222. Next:

0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW, 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Our non-commercial broadcasts and website depend on voluntary
support. Thanks this week to William T. Hassig, Mt. Prospect, IL, for
a Winter Solstice contribution on a US bank to:
Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702.

One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds to:
woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

UNIDENTIFIED. Trans-Atlantic JBA MW carrier search, December 22 at
0409, earlier than usual for me so a somewhat different selexion, and
tuning downwards: 1584-2, 1566, 1458, 1215, 1161, 1152, 1125-2, 1107-,
963, 855-2, 846!-TP, 837, 774-2, 711, 693, 684, 612, 531 kHz. -2 means
at least two carriers beating. 846 presumed TP Kiritimati, almost
sundown there already. 1566 suspected TWR Benin. 1584 has low-power
Euro/ME only, perhaps most likely 2 x 5 kW SER in Spain and/or another
SER in Ceuta (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report despatched at 0044 UT December 23
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