** BOLIVIA [and non]. 6134.8, March 1 at 0042, again a rumbling low audible 
heterodyne, so R. Santa Cruz is again being confronted head-on by R. Aparecida, 
BRASIL. Daresay the latter should just shift to 6140 and everyone could be 
happy (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BRAZIL. 6000-, March 1 at 0037, 0255 and 0630 chex, no het audible vs RHC, 
so the EBC transmitter to be testing DRM on 5990 may have finished its AM 
warmup on 6000 as heard last few nights (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 9425-9455, March 1 at 1423, filthy distorted FMy spurblob with CNR1 
audio is back up closer to homebase 9450, vs yesterday way down around 
9315-9335 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHINA. 15970, March 1 at 1428, CNR 1 jamming with good signal. Now we`re 
cookin`! As usual, no hint of a target but it`s a traditional Sound of Hope 
100-watt nuisance frequency. Then I search 12-20 MHz, but find only these:

16920, March 1 at 1433, CNR1 jammer with fair signal, // 15970.

17880, March 1 at 1434, CNR1 jammer with good signal, unusual inband spot, vs 
what? That`s because per Aoki, it`s the Saturday-only channel of VOA Tibetan 
1400-1500 via Tinang, Philippines (inaudible here). Doesn`t fool the jammers 
run by SARFT --- same agency responsible for broadcasting in China, just to 
show you how evil it all is. If necessary, all they need to do is consult Aoki, 
like I do, to find the other six frequencies, all aimed 275 degrees from 
Tinang, which as I pointed out before, is NOT toward Tibet at all, but much 
further south toward India, Somalia (is this for useless deniability that 
they`re really aiming at Tibet, even tho in Tibetan?):

Sun 17755, Mon 17770, Tue 17790 (oh oh, vs WRMI RAN), Wed 17810, Thu 17830, Fri 
17860, in neat upward progression. I sure hope the Tibetan audience has figured 
this out, in case they can capture anything thru the jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, 

** CUBA. 7430, March 1 at 0307, stray single-pulse jammer against nothing; 
while 7405 bears at least 3 pulse/tone jammers intermingling against nothing as 
R. Martí is in a break on this frequency; wall-of-noise on 7365 against active 
Martí channel (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also BRAZIL

** EGYPT. 11905, March 1 at 0640, fair-good signal level with Arabic music but 
awful modulation, also flutter. Obviously R. Cairo, as in Aoki, 'El-Bernameg 
Al-Aam' 0200-0700, 250 kW, 315 degrees from Abis USward. Probably same service 
which is on 13850 in A-seasons. What does that ID say? Google won`t directly 
translate romanized Arabic, but did I mean ------? Yes, that translates to 
``Program All``, i.e. General Service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)   

** ETHIOPIA. 5950, March 1 at 0259, apparent IS, repetitive fiddle tune, more 
melodic than your usual Horn of Africa music, poor signal, presumed V. of 
Tigray Revolution at sign-on time. Enjoy this while you can, as WRMI has 
registered 5950 for 24-hour usage in A-14; while unlikely to use all of it, 
most likely will be on in our evenings like WYFR/RTI were (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** ETHIOPIA. 6110, March 1 at 0257, chime IS, poor signal, 0259 heard English 
words ``Broadcasting Corporation`` amid sign-on in other language, surely R. 
Fana, in Oromo or Amharic. In fact, WRTH shows its full name is Fana 
Broadcasting Corporation (private). Lhasa and New Delhi are also scheduled, but 
well into daytime there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** IRAN. 7300, March 1 at 0308, weak and undermodulated talk in unID language. 
Aoki shows it can only be VIRI, Armenian service at 0250-0317, 500 kW, 320 
degrees also USward from Sirjan; following Uzbek at 0220-0247 on same which is 
18 degrees from Sirjan. This had some QRhaM SSB on the low side even tho it 
must have been LSB mode (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** JAPAN [non]. 15720, March 1 at 1429, good open carrier, some flutter, 1430 
`Sakura` and NHK World Radio Japan (pronounced more or less as in English) 
opening Hindi service. ChiCom jammers are in well on 15970, 16920, so could 
this be direct? No! Aoki shows 35 degrees from MADAGASCAR at 1430-1515, which 
you`d think would hardly be audible here to the northwest, but just another 
example of what a great site Talata is for worldwide coverage, even 
unintentionally. It`s also the closest major site to our antipodes, its 
opposite being really off Baja California in the Pacific (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** NIGERIA. 15120-AM, March 1 at 0635, VP signal with talk, no doubt VON 
English service, starting to propagate; might or might not be better if I 
checked earlier from *0445v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** OKLAHOMA. 1500, Feb 28 at 1952 UT, I am checking the daytime occupant, KPGM 
Pawhuska, and find it to be running 7 seconds *ahead* of source // 98.1 WWLS-FM 
OKC (or rather COL suburb The Village --- where I lived 1954-1961y), so KPGM is 
in the WWLS Sports Animal sphere of influence rather than that of closer KYAL 
Tulsa; usual weak marginal 1500 signal. WWLS ID in passing heard on 1500, then 
at 1954 UT, KPGM ID as Pawhuska-Bartlesville, consult 
http://bartlesvilleradio.com where it`s obvious this cluster has the local 
market tied up, also with the 1400, 100.1, 104.9 stations --- PLUS Classical 
Bartlesville on HD2 of KYFM 100.1! Here`s the blurb about that:

``KYFM 100.1 HD-2 - "Classical Bartlesville" --- The new KYFM HD-2 features the 
"hits" of the classical repertoire, including Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms but 
also includes music from Pachelbel, Vivaldi, and Handel as well as John 
Williams, Ferde Grofe, Elmer Bernstein, and George Gershwin. You'll hear your 
favorites from the symphonic repertoire as well as chamber works with local 
information and works written to include the human voice, all in digital HD 
stereo and all for free with no subscription fees. Local weather information 
and announcements of upcoming local events will be part of this service from 
KYFM 100.1 HD-2.

The playlist includes overtures, piano quintets, violin concertos, symphonic 
marches, symphonies, horn sonatas and other standards from the concert 
repertoire plus music written for everything from operas to film scores.``
See [nothing] more at: 

Well, how generic can you get? That`s nice, but I certainly hope there are a 
lot more composers and ensemble types than they mention. Bartlesville is within 
reach of classical 88.7 KWTU Tulsa [altho maybe subject to CCI encroachments 
from Joplin and Ponca City], so I am a bit surprised that B.R. is doing this, 
but glad they are; might as well put an HD2 to good use. I wonder what the 
programming source is? It appears that ``Listen Live`` streaming applies only 
from their other four ``stations``. So I`m glad I found this out while 
investigating totally disposable silly sports networking.

Bartlesville is also the home of the OK Mozart Music Festival for a dekaday 
each June --- but it`s been dumbed down (ooops, I mean broadened, popularized) 
from year to year with more and more non-Mozart, even non-classical stuff; 2012 
was the final year for Paul Neubauer being in charge of the chamber music 
series (which KCSC FM is now replaying on `Performance Oklahoma`; UT Thu 
0200-0400 & Sat 1400-1600 on KCSC 90.1; UT Sun 0200-0400 (or -0300 sometimes) 
on KWTU 88.7: all times one UT hour earlier from March 13 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** PERU. 5980, March 1 at 0038, R. Chaski very poor but enough to make out 
Spanish with evangelical intonation; checking early tonight as I won`t be 
around after 0100 to time the cutoff, instead going to Winter Chautauqua, only 
in Enid (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RWANDA. 6055, March 1 at 0255, music; first making sure it`s not still 
Spain, as not // 6125, 9535. No doubt RRR, with vocal music across hourtop 
0259-0301, then announcement, 0303 song. Very poor. 

I`ve just returned from Enid`s Winter Chautauqua, so take the opportunity to 
monitor at a daypart I usually don`t, before turning the computer noise back 

Also checked 6015 for Zanzibar at 0300, but no show; should have kept on it, as 
Bill Bingham & Ron Howard say it came on late at *0302 this date (Glenn Hauser, 

** SUDAN. 7205, March 1 at 0309, Arabic vs LSB QRM from hams; did not notice it 
at first pass around 0300, not on, or totally blocked by QRhaM? More than usual 
now, I think, due to some contest. EiBi & Aoki show *0215, WRTH *0230, HFCC 
*0300! What to call this? EiBi says Sudan RTVC, but since it`s only in Arabic, 
we should instead Roman-abbr. the ID as in WRTH: `Idha`atu-l-Gumhuriya 
as-Sudan`` = IGS (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SUDAN [non]. 5885, March 1 at 0304, off-Arabic talk, with very heavy splash 
from the BS on 5890 WWCR; Aoki shows it`s Afia Darfur/Hello Darfur in Sudanese 
dialect, 0300-0330, 250 kW, 146 degrees from VATICAN (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX 

** U S A. 9495, UT Sat March 1 at 0037 check, WRMI-14 with old music in 
Spanish, program unknown; also seems like there is weak CCI from another 
broadcaster. Don`t you believe Aoki listing showing UT Tue-Sat at 00-01 on 
9495, WRMI is carrying Radio Libertad! As we have reported week after week, 
it`s really alternatives, filled by a variety of other unjammed programming, 
including DX shows [including WORLD OF RADIO at 0030 UT Sundays], while 
Libertad remains only on the wall-of-noise-jammed frequency 9955 (Glenn Hauser, 

** U S A. 7506.6, March 1 at 0306, WRNO is AWOL, hardly to be missed unless 
deliberately checked (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 720, March 1 at 1405 UT, weak but steady and clear signal with 
opinions-expressed disclaimer from ``Newstalk 720, KDWN``, so now`s our good 
chance to hear 50 kW ND Las Vegas NV; in fact from official March sunrise 1345 
UT, altho before 1400 I was still hearing some 720 Spanish, presumably Juárez. 

Check again from March 9, when 5:45 am local = 1245 UT will be an hour too 
early to shift, in case they be confused. Such mixups, of course could apply to 
countless other stations. A few years ago, KDWN were apparently doing that all 
summer (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 770, March 1 at 1344 UT, big solid signal already from KKOB 
Albuquerque NM, now that official sunrise has shifted from 1400 UT in February 
to 1315 UT in March. (And April to 1230 UT). This led me later to check 720 for 
Nevada, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1080, March 1 at 1355 UT, ``Classic Rock 105, The Cackle`` ? Not sure 
of last word. Always fun to hear music on 1080 overcoming KRLD talk, like 
nostalgic Green Vallely AZ; just after 1400 UT full ID as ``Rockin` the Castle 
Valley, 105, KSLL is rockin```, atop KRLD, and then ``Black Betty`` song. 

1080, KSLL is Price UT, 10 kW daytimer // translator which gets top billing! 
K285AB 104.9 per NRC AM Log; Castle is spelt Kastle there, and it employs AM 
$tereo. Apparently unrelated to plain old KSL, but the similar identity can`t 
hurt. It`s a new month with everyone`s sunrise shifting half an hour to half a 
sesquihour earlier than in February, in this case officially 1330 UT. 

Price area, between Provo and Green River on US 6, is known as Castle Country 
(with Cs), evidently inspired by rock formations rather than Mormon 
My learning experience from this log (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. 1090, March 1 at 1357 UT, poor signal with romantic music in Spanish, 
looping NW/SE which rather rules out Mexico, but fits perfectly for format and 
direxion of KMXA Aurora CO, 50/0.5 kW, whose official March sunrise is already 
1315 UT, so should have been solider thence? No, day pattern exhibits two 
lobes/wings to the west and northeast, ``nothing`` toward us (while tinier 
night pattern goes WNW) (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 6946.5, March 1 at 0039, huge open carrier, pirate? Not usually 
anything there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 12145.7, March 1 at 0636, open carrier with tone, then dead air, 
fair signal. Probably a ute, as there are no broadcasters anywhere anywhen 
scheduled on 12145, and this very transmitter may be the reason, wherever, 
whatever it may be (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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